Supported Social Networks Facebook, Twitter. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google My Business
Post Scheduling Yes Yes Yes
Social Calendar Yes Yes Yes
Content Approvals Yes Yes Yes
Bulk Import No Yes Yes
Post Preview Yes Yes Yes
AI Content Generator No No Yes
Post Recycling Yes No Yes
Twitter Thread Scheduling Yes No Yes
Instagram Story Scheduling Yes Yes Yes
Instagram First Comment No No Yes
Auto Post From Rss Feeds No Yes Yes
Social Inbox No Yes Yes
Top Performing Posts No No Yes
Live Support Yes No Yes
Paid plans starting at $40/month, unlimited social media profiles $300/year, 5 social media profiles $8/month, 4 social media profiles
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Gain works with less social networks

In comparison to Gain, StatusBrew works with LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,.

Gain has less features

In comparison to Gain, StatusBrew has more features.

StatusBrew has many unique features

StatusBrew has unique features like Bulk Import, Social Inbox, Dynamic Automations and Auto Post From Rss Feeds that are not available in Gain.

Gain also shines

Gain has these features that are not available in StatusBrew: Post Recycling and Twitter Thread Scheduling.

Free plan and free trial

Neither Gain nor StatusBrew have a free plan. Both Gain and StatusBrew offer free trial on their paid plans.

Content planning with calendar

Both Gain and StatusBrew have Social Calendar for easy content planning.

Content approval workflow

Both Gain and StatusBrew have content approval workflow for easy content review within teams.

Generate AI content

Neither Gain nor StatusBrew have AI based content generator.

Schedule Instagram stories

Both Gain and StatusBrew have Instagram story scheduling.

Schedule Instagram posts with first comment

Neither Gain nor StatusBrew offer scheduling Instagram posts with first comment.

Schedule Twitter threads

Gain lets you schedule threads on Twitter which is not possible with StatusBrew.

Recycle your content - evergreen posting

Gain has post recycling which is not possible with StatusBrew.

Import your social media content in bulk

StatusBrew supports importing content in bulk which is not possible with Gain.

Automatically post from RSS feeds

StatusBrew supports automatically posting content from RSS feeds which is not possible with Gain.

Team collaboration for your social media

Both Gain and StatusBrew have team collaboration feature.

Highly available live chat support

Gain has live chat support which is not available with StatusBrew.