11 Fun Instagram Story Games Ideas For Your Followers

Instagram story game ideas

Instagram story games ideas are a powerful way to boost engagement on your profile. It helps you to promote and enhance your Instagram community in the most feasible and fun manner.

Instagram games also play a significant role in increasing the outcome of your social media marketing strategies. By adopting Instagram games on stories, users can gain more followers, engagement, and business benefits.

Now coming towards the prime focus of the blog, you may be wondering what Instagram story games are? How do these Instagram story games help to increase your followers?

We will brief you on all this, along with the 11 most fun Instagram story games ideas for followers.

What are Instagram Story Games?

Instagram games are a fun tool provided by Instagram to give an engagement boost to your profile.

When you run out of content ideas or how to keep your audience hooked to your account, you can count on these Instagram story games. These Instagram story games provide a great range of ideas so you can easily keep your audience interested and hooked to your account. 

More than 500 million users on Instagram view Instagram stories daily. These Instagram stories are a great help if you are struggling to increase your followers. However, if you are still not utilizing Instagram story features despite being a public figure, you miss out on benefits from your business.

Instagram story games provide a variety of ideas and games to keep your audience busy while viewing your content. In addition, it allows your followers to take part in different contests and invite their friends as well. Doing this will increase the reach of your content and ultimately gain you more followers.

It also allows your audience to participate in the contest and permits them to submit photos to multi-person challenges.

Do you know Instagram stories play a significant role to increase engagement of your account?

Here are the “7 Ways to Create Engaging Instagram Stories for your Businesses”.

How To Play Instagram Story Games?

Instagram stories are one of the flexible and most viewed features of Instagram. Stories allow you to add photos, videos, polls, quizzes, and games to them. Instagram users and marketers find this feature as the best one introduced ever on this platform.

Using Instagram stories, you can boost your business and make them a great success for you. These stories only remain on the platform for 24 hours.

Engaging your audience with fun and interactive creatives for games on your Instagram stories can be more productive than you expect.

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How To Go To The Instagram Story Games Option?

First, you need to know how to set up Instagram story games so you can play.

  1. The simplest way to open games in Instagram stories is by navigating to the “Stories” option. Then click on the “browse effects” option.
  2. Then you’ll open the “Effect Gallery.”
  3. After opening the Effect Gallery, you will see a bar of categories on the upper side.
  4. Slide through those categories, and you’ll come across the “games” option.
  5. Choose that, and various games will appear that you can make a part of your story.

After you post these Instagram story games, you can engage your followers by inviting them to play. They may share their thoughts and versions of games with you, ultimately attracting more audiences.

Take “Song Association” as an example. It is a fun game that you can play on your own. In this game, you have a word, and you must think about a song that includes that specific word. This game can become more exciting and enjoyable when you play it with others. It allows you to become a part of friendly competition and to know who thinks faster.

Instagram Story Games-Song Association

Another example is “Make Your Meme.” This game filter generates a caption, and the player must make a face that describes the caption. You can use this game filter in your Instagram story. 

First, use it yourself and record a video as your Instagram story. Then share the video as your Instagram story game and ask your followers to play. They may tag you in their stores resulting in more reach and engagement on your account.

The caption is displayed on the top of the player’s head, and they make a face that describes the caption. This game offers many captions and is extremely fun to play with multiple players.

Instagram Story Games-Make Your Meme

11 Fun Instagram Story Games Ideas For Your Followers

1. Three Truths And A Lie

The name of this game is an explanation in itself. For this game, first, you need to make four posts. These posts contain facts and a lie about yourself or your business. Then through a poll, you may ask your followers which one of the four options is incorrect.Three truths and one lie You can use this game to provide your audience with more information and insight into your business. When your audience is guessing the truth and a lie, the engagement of your stories increases. With this, your audience can also know a lot more about you or your business.Three Truth and A Lie

2. Quickdraw Challenge

If you prefer and are looking for something interactive, then this game may be one of the best options for you. To increase engagement and interaction with your followers, you can challenge them to a quick draw challenge.

This game allows you to ask your followers or friend(s) to draw a quick doodle of whatever you ask them to. Then, you’ll challenge your followers or friends by tagging them. They will accept your challenge and draw whatever you ask them to. Then they will also post a screenshot of the challenge in their stories and tag you.Instagram Story Games QuickDraw Challenge

You can also use this game to provide more information and to develop interactivity among your audience.

QuickDraw Challenge

3. Nominate Your Friend Challenge

It is one of the most popular Instagram story challenges. It is mainly seen on the story corner of your account and is a straightforward game.

This game provides a lot of creative liberty, allowing you to design the game as you wish it to be. What makes this the most accessible game is the Instagram introduction to “challenge” stickers. You can record your challenge in your Instagram story. Then go to the stickers and choose the “challenge” one. Then name the challenge and tag the person you want to challenge.Nominate your friend challenge Those who participate in this game need to fulfill the challenge as directed. Then they may also invite their friends to join the game too.

It is a fun and easy way to attract and engage the audience. The challenge sticker makes it easy to increase participation. It acts as a link with which people can easily connect and participate.Nominate Your Friend Instagram Challenge

4. GIF Challenge

In this game, the challenger posts a blank template on their Instagram story. This template has some empty squares or spaces with themes under a particular topic, such as the theme of Halloween.GIF Challenge-Instagram Story Games The followers will then fill these blank spaces with GIFs of their own choices. It is a carefree manner to interact with your audience. They may also repost your challenge on their story so others can also participate in this game.


5. Hashtag Challenge

It is a super simple task to host this hashtag challenge—a clever and easiest way to self-promote your business, brand, or product.

What you have to do is create a hashtag related to your brand, product, or niche. Then you invite your followers to participate in the hashtag contest. They have to produce a feed or a post that includes the specific hashtag that you created. Like in the image below “#babyfacechallenge” is being used. 

Hashtag Challenge-Instagram Story Games Ideas

When your followers complete the challenge, they will use your hashtag. Also, they will post this on their feeds or stories, making your hashtag viral and getting maximum reach. In addition, it increases your approach and engagement among Instagram.

Hashtag Challenge Instagram

6. Quiz Games

The quiz games are a fun way to spread awareness among your followers about your brand or topics related to your niche. It allows your audience to get to know each other nicely and promotes a community feeling on the page.

Quiz Game Challenge Instagram

You can post quiz games on your Instagram story like in the GIF challenge. Your followers then respond to your quiz and answer the questions you ask in the quiz.

The quiz games are very flexible, and they may have a variety of formats and themes that you can follow. Sometimes quiz games also appear as bingo cards and have a blank space for the participants to answer questions.

Quiz Games

7. Music Challenge

Music challenges help you to build an online community and allow people to know about one another. You can post the music challenge game as a template on your Instagram story.

The tagged users or participants answer or fill in the template according to the rules.

They may also post the type of music they like the most. And like other challenges, participants can invite other people to join and become a part of this game. The 30-day music challenge has become very popular, allowing the participants to share the music daily.

30 Day Music Challenge Instagram

Source: tailwind

When people share their choice of music for 30 consecutive days, they communicate based on their mutual interests. It develops a sense of connectivity between them, and an online community emerges based on common interests.

Music Challenge

8. This Or That

This or that game allows many people to connect to your account and participate in this game. You may be able to engage lots of followers using this game.This or That Instagram Story Games It works when people repost their opinions about a particular topic and also allows them to talk on debatable issues. People get a chance to know what others think about a specific topic. To host this challenge, you need to create or select a template and post it on your story to engage your followers.

This or That Instagram Game

9. Get To Know Your Follower’s Challenge

Most of the games we’ve talked about in this post are helpful to increase the number of followers. You can specifically play a game to allow your users to know about your audience.Know Your Followers Challenge The goal of this Instagram game is to answer questions from your followers related to you. This challenge allows you to know about your audience’s interests, what their hobbies are, and what they like to see. Knowing this will help you to create content according to the likes and dislikes of your audience.

Get to Know Challenge-Instagram Story Games ideas10. Poll Games

It is a sticker game. In this game, your followers have to choose one of two options from the available options. These options are customizable and are used as polls.

When you have nothing else to share, you can engage your audience in polls in the most interactive manner.Poll Games

11. Instagram AR filters

Instagram AR filters are trendy these days, and literally, everyone is using them. AR filters generate computer-generated photos on real-world photos. These filters work with your camera and add an imaginary foreground or background to your photos.Optical Medusa Instagram Filter by VersaceSource:wowfilters

As these AR Filters are so popular and easily accessible, you can use them to your advantage.

You can create AR filters related to your brand or product. Just like Kylie cosmetic filters or Versace optical medusa filters etc. Your audience will use these filters. It will directly increase your reach and engagement.

Instagram Story Games Ideas-AR Filters

12. Favourites

Using favourite templates, you can easily get to know your followers a little better by providing them with content they like. In this game, you can create a favourite template to understand what your followers like or prefer.

For example, a template for your followers to know their “favourite book,” “favourite food,” or “favourite destination place,” etc.

Leave a space for your followers to answer. It is a great way to make your followers feel special and know them personally. When you give importance to your audience, they become more dedicated towards you. Your mere attempt to interact can bring many leads for you. 

Favorites-Instagram Story Games ideas

Pro Tip: How To Increase Engagement on Instagram Stories

As we are already discussing different Instagram story games ideas, we must know how to use them effectively. Whether you’re putting a random Instagram story or uploading a story game, the engagement will determine the loss of profit. For this, we are mentioning some quick and easy steps for you to follow. You can maximize your Instagram stories’ engagement by following these simple points.

1. Make Your Audience Curious

First, you need to develop the interest of your audience. Do not update everything at once. Make your audience curious about your new idea, product, or service. It will develop a suspense factor, and your followers are more likely to watch all your stories then. 

Also, to develop your audience’s interest, you can upload stories in a beautiful aesthetic theme that matches your profile. 

2. Use Hashtags

If you are a keen Instagram user, you would have known the importance of hashtags. Use popular hashtags in your stories to get the maximum reach. Also, if you are a business owner, you can create hashtags for your business slogan or product. If you are a content creator, you can create your hashtags and develop a sense of uniqueness. Then use those hashtags to maximize the reach and engagement on your Instagram stories. 

3. Use Stickers In Your Instagram Stories

Instagram, along with its many features, also offers story stickers to keep its users interested and entertained. You can use these stickers just like the “challenge sticker” as Instagram games to interact more with your audience. It can significantly enhance the engagement of your Instagram stories. 

Also, try to use the Location-Tag sticker as well. It will improve the discoverability of your Instagram account.  You could even consider rewarding game winners with something tangible, like Mixbook’s photo cards customized just for them. Going the extra mile like this will send engagement soaring even higher.

4. Adopt Posting UGC In Your Instagram Stories

There is nothing that a little tap of appreciation and acknowledgment cannot fix. Tag your followers on your stories, letting them know you are acknowledging them. You can take it a step further by creating a flyer with the content they have shared, featuring it on your stories. This will not only build trust between you and your audience but also make your stories more interesting and foster loyalty.

5. Be Considerate and Consistent

When you have a huge fan following, there is one thing you must take care of. That thing is your audience’s interest. You must analyze what they like and dislike and you must know what type of content they are more likely to see or ignore. You should see when your audience is most active and post accordingly. And with all of this, you must be consistent in your posting schedule. You have to keep your audience hooked up to your accounts. 

These things might sound difficult for you to do at once, but there is always a smarter way. You can use a social media management tool to do all these activities for you. 

If you want to keep an eye on your audience and notice their behaviour towards your stories updates, you can use the “Analytical” tools. 

Schedule your Instagram stories for maximum engagement

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Streamline your Instagram Stories with SocialBu

SocialBu is a social media management and automation tool, and it can help you manage your Instagram seamlessly. 

You might be wondering how SocialBu benefits you by managing your Instagram stories? It is quite simple.

  1. Consistency is the key to maintaining your online presence and growing from it. And in this busy routine, managing your social media accounts at once can be hectic. So what to do? The answer is scheduling your Instagram stories with SocialBu. 
  2. Here’s another thing. Planning and managing content ahead of time needs a constructive and organized approach. Even if you have plenty of ideas to schedule, these ideas are just messed-up thoughts without a proper calendar. For this, a social calendar feature is best.Instagram story scheduling
  3. A social calendar helps you plan, manage and schedule your Instagram stories effortlessly. When you have a whole calendar in front of you, it would be easier to plan Instagram stories for respective dates and times. You can even edit and change the scheduled Instagram story directly from the social calendar from one day to another. 
  4. Suppose you have a partial idea and do not know how to execute it. But you also don’t want to lose it. You can save that unfinished Instagram story or post it as drafts. Later, when you have the time and complete the plan, you can either directly publish or schedule that draft. 

Do you know you can easily schedule your Instagram stories with SocialBu? 

Click here to find how. “How to Schedule Instagram Stories for Free with SocialBu.”


How to play the game on the Instagram story?

By navigating to your story options and browsing effects, you’ll see gallery effects, and towards the right of that, you can see games. Choose that option, and you will get so many game options to choose from and play.

What games can we play on the Instagram story?

You can play several to countless games on Instagram stories. Some examples are This or That, Nominate Your Friend Challenge, GIF Challenge, and much more.

How do I make my Instagram more interactive?

You can increase your interactivity by posting consistently first. Then post when the majority of the followers are online. Post what’s trending, talk about the hottest trends, and most importantly, post what your audience likes to see.

How do you make an interactive story?

You can make your stories interactive in several ways. You can unleash your creativity on Instagram story games. Host giveaways create polls, host Q/A sessions, and much more.


Instagram story games can be a great tool to increase your followers and create interactive and engaging content. In addition, these Instagram story games may help you know your followers’ likes and dislikes.

And when you know this, you can easily give them the content they want to see. These Instagram story games ideas can be the best ones to increase your followers if used correctly. 

These increased followers can further help you to promote your business, and they can do it by simply taking part in your Instagram story games.

In a nutshell, we can say that something as simple as a quiz or a poll can be a bridge between you and your success as an Instagram user.


Awais Younas
Awais Younas
Co-founder of SocialBu. Entrepreneur, SEO, and Content strategist by profession

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