Add stickers

Add stickers to add personality to your content and increase enagagemet. Hashtag, location, mentions, or text - sprinkle some stickers on your story.

schedule story with stickers

Add Swipe-up link

Drive traffic to your website, promote products, blog posts and sign up pages and increase sales by adding a swipe-link to your scheduled stories. Convert your Instagram followers into your loyal customers.

social calendar

Approve stories before they get published

Review the stories added by your team before they are published so you never miss a single mistake.

schedule story with stickers

Stories calendar

A calendar which shows all your stories and scheduled content so you can manage and streamline your social media strategy efficiently.

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stories on calendar

Bulk upload stories

Remove repetitive step of posting content manually on your social media accounts. Save time by uploading stories from a .csv file and schedule them in bulk.

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bulk upload posts

Share your Instagram posts when published

Share your newly published Instagram posts in Story automatically so you get the best engagement.

stories on calendar

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Join a thriving community of over 18,000+ users and supercharge
your social media journey with us.

Join a thriving community of over 18,000+ users and supercharge your social media journey with us.

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