Instagram Reel Size: Cheatsheet for 2024

Ever wonder how to make your Instagram Reels stand out? It all starts with size. Using the ideal Instagram reel size can make a big difference in how your content appears and performs.

This guide breaks down everything you need to know in 2024, from pixel dimensions to aspect ratios.

We’ll even explore how to avoid cropping headaches and ensure your Reels look their absolute best. Get ready to capture attention and skyrocket your engagement.

Understanding Aspect Ratio

Have you ever uploaded a video to Instagram and noticed black bars appear around the edges? That’s because the video’s size doesn’t perfectly match the way Instagram displays Reels.

Here’s where aspect ratio comes in. Aspect ratio simply refers to the proportional relationship between an image or video’s width and height. Think of it like a recipe for the shape of your video.

For Instagram Reels, the magic number is 9:16. This means the video is much taller than it is wide, perfect for capturing portrait-oriented content like stories or close-up shots.

It’s important to understand that aspect ratio is different from resolution. While aspect ratio dictates the shape, resolution refers to the number of pixels that make up your video, impacting its overall quality.

Understanding Pixels (Resolution Breakdown)

Now that we understand aspect ratio, let’s dive into the world of pixels. These are tiny building blocks that make up your video, kind of like microscopic tiles in a mosaic. The more pixels you have, the sharper and clearer your video will appear.

For Instagram Reels, the recommended upload size is 1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels tall. This resolution ensures your video takes advantage of the entire screen on most smartphones, delivering a crisp and professional viewing experience for your audience.

Thinking about using a different size video? While Instagram might allow uploads in other resolutions, it’s important to consider the potential downsides.

Uploading a smaller video size might result in a blurry or pixelated appearance. Conversely, a much larger video file size could take longer to upload and might even be rejected by Instagram.

Sizing Up the Competition (Instagram Reel Size Chart)

Imagine you’re creating a delicious dish, but each platform serves it on a different plate size. That’s kind of how things work with video formats across different social media apps.

While Instagram Reels boasts a 9:16 aspect ratio and 1080 x 1920 pixel resolution, other popular platforms might have slightly different requirements.

Here’s a quick cheat sheet to compare Instagram Reels size with some of its competitors:

Instagram Reel Size

As you can see, there’s some overlap in terms of aspect ratios, but the specific resolution recommendations can vary. The benefit of using a standardized size like 1080 x 1920 pixels comes in if you’re creating content for multiple platforms.

By editing your video to this size, you can easily upload it to different apps without worrying about cropping or quality issues.

The Cropping Conundrum

We’ve nailed down the ideal size for uploading your Instagram Reel, but there’s one more twist to consider: cropping. Here’s the catch – Reels might appear differently depending on where they show up on Instagram.

For instance, when your Reel appears in someone’s feed, it gets displayed in a preview format with a 4:5 aspect ratio. This means there’s a chance some of the content at the edges might get cropped out.

Don’t worry, your entire Reel is still accessible when viewers tap to play it. But that initial preview is crucial for grabbing attention. Here are some tips to avoid unwanted cropping headaches:

  • Center your content: Think of your Reel like a photo – position the key elements (text, calls to action, your main subject) towards the center of the frame. This way, even if there’s some cropping in the feed preview, the most important parts will still be visible.
  • Leave room on the edges: If you’re using text or graphics in your Reel, avoid placing them right at the very edges of the video. Leave a little breathing room to ensure they don’t get cut off.

By keeping these cropping considerations in mind, you can make sure your Instagram Reels look polished and attention-grabbing, no matter where they show up on the platform.

Fitting the Frame (Reel Composition)

We’ve talked about pixels and cropping, but let’s not forget the magic ingredient that truly makes your Reels stand out: composition.

Just like a photographer carefully arranges elements in a frame, strong composition in your Reels helps captivate viewers and tell a compelling story.

Here are some pointers to keep in mind:

  • The “Safe Zone” is your friend: Imagine a slightly smaller rectangle within your 9:16 frame. This is your safe zone, the area where you can be confident elements won’t get cropped in the feed preview. When placing text, calls to action, or crucial visuals, prioritize positioning them within this safe zone.
  • Rule of Thirds: This photography rule suggests dividing your frame into a grid of nine squares using two horizontal and two vertical lines. Placing key elements at the intersection points or along these lines can create a more visually balanced and engaging composition.
  • Vary Your Shots: Don’t just stick to one static view! Utilize close-ups, wide shots, and different angles to keep your viewers engaged and visually stimulated throughout your Reel.

You may also want to read: Ideal Instagram Reels Length in 2024

Size Matters, But Content is King

We’ve dived deep into the world of pixels and explored how to ensure your Reel looks its best size-wise. But here’s the truth bomb: while using the ideal dimensions is important, it’s not the only factor that guarantees success.

At the heart of every captivating Reel lies phenomenal content. Think about it – even a perfectly sized video with blurry visuals or a dull storyline won’t hold viewers’ attention for long.

Here’s where your creativity and storytelling skills come into play. Focus on crafting engaging content that resonates with your audience.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Keep it short and sweet: Remember, Reels have a maximum length of 60 seconds. Use that time wisely to deliver a clear message or tell a captivating mini-story.
  • Hook ’em early: The first few seconds of your Reel are crucial for grabbing attention. Start with something exciting, visually interesting, or thought-provoking.
  • Experiment with trends: Pay attention to what’s hot on Instagram Reels and incorporate trending sounds, challenges, or effects into your content to tap into a wider audience.
  • Add music and sound effects: The right music or sound effects can elevate your Reel and make it more engaging. Use the built-in Instagram music library or explore royalty-free music options.
  • Captions and CTAs: Don’t forget to add clear captions that explain your video and calls to action that encourage viewers to like, comment, or share your Reel.


So, there you have it. Mastering the ideal Instagram Reel size (9:16 aspect ratio, 1080 x 1920 pixels) is a breeze with these helpful tips. But remember, size is just one piece of the puzzle.

For truly show stopping Reels, prioritize crafting engaging content that hooks viewers, tells a story, and leaves them wanting more. Experiment, have fun, and let your creativity shine!

Ready to up your Instagram game and manage your Reels alongside all your other social media content? Try out SocialBu’s scheduling features to ensure your Reels are published at the optimal times to reach your target audience.

Sign up for a free trial today and see how SocialBu can help you take your Reels to the next level!


What size are Instagram reels 2024?

The ideal size for Instagram Reels in 2024 is a 9:16 aspect ratio with a resolution of 1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels tall.

What is the best size for Instagram reels?

The best Instagram Reel size is a 9:16 aspect ratio with a resolution of 1080 x 1920 pixels. This ensures your Reel takes advantage of the entire screen on most smartphones and delivers a crisp viewing experience.

Are Instagram reels 4×5?

No, Instagram Reels are not 4×5. They are specifically designed for portrait viewing and use a 9:16 aspect ratio.

What is Instagram full size reels?

There is no specific term for “full size” Reels on Instagram. As long as your Reel adheres to the recommended 9:16 aspect ratio and resolution (1080 x 1920 pixels), it will be displayed at its full size.

Kashaf creates engaging and informative content at SocialBu that simplifies complex marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. With her dedication to clear communication and strategic content creation, she is a valuable asset to the SocialBu team.

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