What are Facebook Post Sizes and Dimensions?

We cannot understate the importance of Facebook post sizes and dimensions. The size of a Facebook post can affect how many people see it, how many people engage with it, and how many people share it. So why are we saying this? 

Because Facebook is the world’s most popular social media platform, it has over 2 billion monthly active users, and more than half of all adults in the United States are using it.

The platform will also automatically crop the image according to its algorithm if you do not post in the right sizes and dimensions. As a result, you can be left with a distorted or cropped image without realizing it. 

Do you know how many people are using Facebook on their mobile phones? About 98.5% of users access Facebook via their mobile phones. So if your Facebook picture post size is not optimized well, most viewers will probably not show engagement. 

So, keeping yourself updated with the best size for Facebook posts is mandatory. 

We will briefly explain all the sizes and dimensions of Facebook posts. So make sure to bookmark this page. 

link Interesting reading:  Guide to Social Media Image Sizes

Facebook Post Sizes and Dimensions

We are now coming towards the main point of our blog, the best Facebook post sizes. First, we will briefly explain your Facebook posts’ best sizes and dimensions. But before we start, below is the quick cheat sheet for all Facebook post sizes and dimensions.

Facebook post sizes and dimensions cheat sheet

Facebook Profile Photo Sizes and Dimensions

The Facebook profile photo is the one that everyone sees first. So when you leave a comment or someone searches for you, it must also be perfect. 

  • The profile photo resolution for the desktop is 170 x 170. 
  • The profile photo resolution for mobile devices is 128 x 128.
  • The profile photo resolution for when it is shown next to your name when you comment somewhere, or any other action is 36 x 36. 
  • The aspect ratio should be 1:1. 

Facebook profile photo size

Things to Keep In Mind

  • Upload the image in JPEG format when you are using a photo. But when uploading a logo or text, use PNG format. It ensures that the logo or text does not pixelate after uploading. 
  • The Facebook profile photo is displayed in a circle. So make sure to keep your photo optimized for this setting. For example, if you upload a logo, make ensures designed with a blank background, so the access is cropped. 
  • If you are using your picture, it would be best if it is a headshot and the background is plain. In other words, there should not be any clutter in the background.
  • It is also good to upload the same profile photo for every social media platform. It develops credibility, and you are easy to search for as well. 

Facebook Cover Photo Sizes and Dimensions 

Now cover photos are the ones that are the most prominent ones when someone visits your profile. So it should be perfect too. 

We upload four types of cover photos on Facebook. But, first, let’s see their correct size and dimensions. 

Profile Cover Photo Size 

  • Facebook recommends 851 x 315 as the dimensions for the profile cover photo size.
  • The optimal dimensions are 1125 x 633.
  • The aspect ratio should be 2.7:1.

Facebook profile cover photo size

Group Cover Photo Size 

  • Facebook recommends 1640 x 856 as the dimensions for the profile cover photo size.
  • The optimal dimensions are 1920 x 1005.
  • The aspect ratio should be 1.91:1. 

Facebook group cover photo size

Business Page Cover Photo Size 

  • Facebook recommends 820 x 360 as the dimensions for business page cover photo size.
  • The optimal dimensions are 1200 x 674.
  • The aspect ratio should be 16:9.

Facebook Business Cover Photo Size

Event Cover Photo Size 

  • Facebook recommends 1200 x 628 dimensions for the event cover photo size.
  • The optimal dimensions are 1920 x 1005, just like the Facebook group cover photo size.
  • The aspect ratio should be 1.9:1. 

Facebook event cover photo size

Facebook Post Photo Sizes and Dimensions 

Here we will discuss three types of Facebook posts with images. 

Regular Facebook Image Post Size 

  • The optimal dimension for an image post on Facebook is 1200 x 630. However, the minimum recommended size can be 600 x 315.
  • The aspect ratio should be 1.91:1. 

Facebook photo post size

We have mentioned above the best image sizes. However, Facebook allows you to choose whatever size you want, but it will reduce the width to 500 pixels. 

Facebook Video Post Image Size 

  • For landscape Facebook video posts, the dimensions for images are 1280 x 720 pixels, and the aspect ratio should be 16:9.
  • For portrait Facebook video posts, the dimensions for images are 720 x 1280, and the aspect ratio should be 9:16. 

Facebook Video Post size

Things to Keep In Mind 

  • You can use MOV or MP4 files for videos. 
  • The video should be of less than 120 minutes. 
  • It would be best if you used the frame rate of 30 FPS.
  • Keep the file size less than 8 GB. 

Facebook Link Post Image Size

Facebook link post images are those when you add an image while posting any link on Facebook. It hugely impacts the engagement rate because we people are always impressed by visuals. 

  • The optimal dimensions for Facebook link post images are 1200 x 630. 
  • The aspect ratio should be 1.91:1. 

Facebook Stories Photo Sizes and Dimensions

We all know sharing the little snippets of our personal/work life has become a considerable part of social media strategy. So when we do it, we must also keep in mind the right size and dimensions for it. 

  • The optimal dimensions for Facebook stories are 1080 x 1920.
  • The aspect ratio should be 16:9.

Facebook storied sizes

However, leaving the top and bottom bar kind of space is also recommended when creating stories. It ensures that no part of the story is hidden under text or buttons on the viewer’s screen. 

Facebook “Our Story” Cover Photo Size and Dimensions 

It is an excellent addition by Facebook to the information part of the profile. The audience can get to know better about the person they are viewing. 

The optimal dimensions for a Facebook “Our Story” cover photo is 1200 x 445.

Facebook "Our Story" Sizes

Manage Facebook Page with SocialBu 

With the right Facebook post sizes and dimensions, a tool to manage your Facebook page is good too.

With SocialBu, you can manage your Facebook page easily. Managing a Facebook page is not easy. Posting several times daily can take a toll on you. So SocialBu can help you to create and schedule all your posts ahead of time. Here’s how you can create and schedule a Facebook post with SocialBu

1. AI Generate Feature 

To create a Facebook post, click on the “Create New” and select “create a post.” Now choose your Facebook account. 

You can use the AI Generate feature here. With this feature, you can never have writer’s block. You can never run out of content again. The AI Generate feature will automatically generate content for your Facebook posts. 

SocialBu AI Generate feature

Hashtag Feature 

When you are done creating a post with an AI Generate feature, You can add hashtags to your post with SocialBu. According to the post, this feature will automatically suggest the most suitable hashtags. 

You have to click on the hashtag icon under your post, which will show you the list of suggested hashtags.

SocialBu Hashtag Feature

Add Media 

Now is the time to add media to your post. First, click on the attached media option, which will show you the options. You can directly add media from the device you’re using. In addition, you can add media from the SocialBu gallery and design and add media with Canva directly. 

Add media to your posts

Preview Feature  

Once you create your post, you can preview it with the preview option. It will show you what your post will look like to your audience. So you can change anything beforehand if something isn’t right. 

SocialBu Preview Feature

Schedule your Post 

Now, after finalizing everything, you can either publish the post directly, or you can schedule it. Just click on the schedule option and choose the date and time. 

Scheduling your post can save you a lot of time and effort. You can create or design your posts at once and schedule them, so you do not have to log in multiple times a day. 

Schedule Facebook post with SocialBu

Draft Post 

If you are not satisfied with your post, you can draft it and edit it later. 

You can do this after creating a post, and you can do this even to the scheduled posts. 

Drafting the Facebook post


It was all from our side for the best Facebook post sizes and dimensions. All the latest Facebook post sizes and dimensions at one place, so you do not have to search them individually.
Also, keeping track of the ever-changing post sizes and dimensions is difficult. So, we can say that this guide can help you whenever you need to know the right size.
We have also shared how you can use SocialBu to manage and automate your Facebook pages. It can save you a lot of time and effort. Plus, with all the features SocialBu offers, you can have a well-organized Facebook page.
We hope this guide will serve its purpose rightfully. And do not forget to save this page for later reference.

Awais Younas
Awais Younas
Awais Younas, co-founder of SocialBu, writes about SEO, marketing, and building socialbu.com. When not creating content, he enjoys video games and snooker.

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