post from rss to social media

Automate content publishing to your social media

Publish from RSS feeds to your social media without any hassle. Auto-post content to all your social media accounts with SocialBu Automation.

Share your blog posts and drive traffic

With SocialBu, keep your social media audience updated with your blog updates and new blog posts. Drive traffic from your social media to your blog.

Fully customizable post format and schedule

Customize social media posts to include any keyword, hashtag, or content format that you want. You set how your post will look and when it will be posted.

Curate and share content from relevant sources

You can publish from any RSS feed so that you never run out of engaging content to share with your social media audience.

Publish Instantly

Simply publish to your social media accounts whenever there is a new post or item available in an RSS feed.

Queue For Later

With SocialBu Queues, add the new post to a queue which is customizable and publish content according to your own schedule.

Join over 18000+ users

Join a thriving community of over 18,000+ users and supercharge
your social media journey with us.

Join a thriving community of over 18,000+ users and supercharge your social media journey with us.

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