How to Sell on Pinterest: A Quick Guide for Businesses

how to sell on pinterest

If you don’t know how to sell on Pinterest, you are missing on a huge opportunity. Pinterest isn’t just a platform for recipe inspiration and DIY crafts anymore.

In recent years, it’s transformed into a powerful sales channel for businesses of all sizes, with 25% of users spending their time shopping on Pinterest. Moreover, with over 400 million active monthly users, the platform boasts a highly engaged audience actively searching for new products and ideas.

Nevertheless, if you’re a business owner looking to expand your reach and drive sales, then learning how to sell on Pinterest is a must.

This quick guide will equip you with the essential steps to get started and turn Pinterest into a thriving sales engine for your brand.

Reasons to Use Pinterest for Your Business

Pinterest is hands down the best dynamic visual platform brimming with potential for businesses and brands.

Here’s why Pinterest should be a cornerstone of your online presence:

Targeted Marketing & Sales

Pinterest boasts a highly engaged user base actively searching for inspiration and new products. This creates a prime opportunity to showcase your offerings through visually compelling pins that can link directly to your product pages or online store.

Thus, even without a website, you can still leverage Pinterest for sales by using Buyable Pins. These integrate directly with e-commerce platforms like Shopify, allowing users to purchase products directly from Pins.

Brand Awareness & Storytelling

By creating high-quality pins that showcase your brand’s personality and story, you can increase brand awareness and build a loyal following. Moreover, Pinterest offers a treasure trove of inspiration across various interests, from home decor to travel destinations.

Users can curate personalized boards filled with ideas and tips, making it a valuable tool for personal projects and hobbies.

Enhanced SEO & Organic Traffic

Pinterest functions as a visual search engine. Optimizing your profile by adding an appealing banner and pins with relevant keywords can lead to organic traffic. Consequently, this helps in driving potential customers to your website or landing pages.

Content Curation & Inspiration

Curating content that resonates with your target audience can facilitate building communities and sharing knowledge. This is essential for your business growth. Moreover, individuals can connect with others who share their interests by following relevant boards and participating in group boards.

This fosters a sense of community and allows for knowledge-sharing and collaboration. Besides, you can use social media monitoring tools to track your Pinterest progress or refer to these social media questions to scale your online presence.

Communication & Relationship Building

By consistently creating and sharing high-quality content on a specific topic, users can establish themselves as thought leaders and build credibility within their niche. Nevertheless, the interactive nature of Pinterest allows brands to foster deeper customer engagement.

Respond to comments, answer questions, and run contests to build stronger relationships with your audience. Additionally, brands can collaborate with relevant Pinterest influencers to reach a wider audience and leverage their established communities.

Prepare Your Brand to Sell on Pinterest: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to turn Pinterest into a sales engine for your brand? This guide equips you with the essential steps to get started and showcase your products to a highly engaged audience. Keep reading if you want to maximize the benefits of social media for your business.

Step 1: Claim Your Business Profile

Head over to to claim your free Pinterest business account. This unlocks a treasure trove of features designed specifically to help businesses thrive on Pinterest, like in-depth analytics to understand your audience and powerful advertising tools to reach new customers.

Plus, you can claim your brand name by verifying your website ownership. This ensures you control how your brand appears on Pinterest and builds trust with potential customers.

how to sell on pinterest

Step 2: Optimize Your Profile for Search

Want to turn your Pinterest profile into a customer magnet? Here’s the winning formula: Craft a compelling description that tells your brand story, highlights what makes you special, and uses relevant keywords to help people find you. Furthermore, make a strong first impression with a clear and recognizable logo as your profile picture.

Finally, optimize your boards by creating categories relevant to your products and target audience. Give each board a clear title and description, and remember to sprinkle in those essential keywords to make your boards discoverable by potential customers.

Step 3: Create High-Quality Content

Captivate your audience with visually stunning Pins! Invest in high-quality product photos or unleash your creativity with eye-catching graphics that showcase your products in action. But don’t stop there.

Spice things up by creating inspirational boards that weave together lifestyle imagery and tutorials related to your products. Furthermore, you may even use AI to your advantage.

Remember, every Pin deserves a chance to shine. Craft compelling descriptions that incorporate relevant keywords, clear calls to action, and highlight the features and benefits that make your products stand out.

Step 4: Utilize Rich Pins for Enhanced Sales

Take your Pins to the next level with Rich Pins! These special Pins display extra product information directly on the Pin itself, like pricing and availability, making them super engaging for potential customers. There are different Rich Pin types for products, recipes, and even articles, so you can choose the ones that best suit your content.

To truly streamline the shopping experience, connect your online store or product catalog directly to Pinterest. This allows users to see real-time information and seamlessly transition from browsing Pins to purchasing your products – all within the Pinterest platform!

Step 5: Utilize Buyable Pins (Optional, for selling without a website)

Wondering how to sell on Pinterest without a website? There are other avenues. For instance, platforms like Shopify can help you create Buyable Pins, allowing users to seamlessly purchase your products directly from the Pin itself.

This eliminates the need for them to navigate away from Pinterest, keeping them engaged and simplifying the buying journey.

Remember, a smooth checkout is key. Make sure to integrate a secure payment processing system to ensure a frictionless experience for your customers.

Step 6: Strategize & Promote: Grow Your Audience

Don’t just create Pins, create a community! Spark excitement and attract new followers by hosting engaging contests or giveaways centered around your products. This is a fantastic way to generate buzz and get people talking about your brand.

Consider collaborating with relevant Pinterest influencers who resonate with your target audience. Partnering with these established creators allows you to tap into their communities and reach a wider audience.

Moreover, if you want to dig deeper into how to sell on Pinterest for free, opt for cross-promotion. Promote your captivating boards and Pins on other social media channels to drive traffic back to your Pinterest profile and expand your reach.

By implementing these strategies, you can turn your Pinterest presence into a thriving hub for customer engagement.

Step 7: Analyze & Adapt: Track Your Progress

Analyze, adapt, and conquer! Don’t underestimate the power of Pinterest Analytics. These built-in tools track key metrics like impressions, engagement, and click-through rates.

By analyzing this data, you gain valuable insights into what content resonates with your audience and what needs tweaking.

Leverage this knowledge to adapt your approach and keep your Pinterest strategy firing on all cylinders. Additionally, staying on top of trends is crucial.

Explore what’s popular on Pinterest and incorporate seasonal themes into your content to keep your boards fresh and relevant, ensuring you stay at the forefront of your audience’s mind.

How to Sell on Pinterest From Amazon

You can’t directly sell on Pinterest from Amazon, but you can be a clever advertiser! Sign up for Amazon Associates and create a Pinterest business account. Pick products relevant to your audience and craft eye-catching pins with affiliate links directing users to the Amazon product page.

Optimize your pins with keywords to get discovered in searches. Track your analytics, engage with your audience, and consider Pinterest Ads or collaborations to maximize reach.

By strategically promoting Amazon products with valuable content, you can drive sales through your affiliate links and turn Pinterest into a powerful sales tool.

How to Sell on Pinterest With Shopify

Pinterest and Shopify are a match made in e-commerce heaven. To turn your Shopify store into a Pinterest sales machine, you first need to link your Shopify store to your Pinterest business account.

Next, bulk upload your entire Shopify product catalog to Pinterest. This creates individual product Pins with rich details and automatic updates whenever you change your product information on Shopify.

Moreover, it is essential to design eye-catching Pins with clear descriptions and keywords. Also, run targeted Pinterest ad campaigns to reach potential customers actively searching for products like yours.

Furthermore, keep tracking your analytics to see what content performs best and refine your strategy for maximum impact.

How to Sell on Pinterest From Etsy

Unlike Shopify and Amazon, Etsy integrates directly with Pinterest. Claim your Etsy shop on Pinterest to unlock features specifically designed for sellers. Design eye-catching Pins with clear descriptions and keywords, then link them directly to your Etsy products using Product Pins.

Additionally, organize your products into relevant boards to help users discover your creations. You can also consider running targeted Pinterest ad campaigns to reach a wider audience.

Additionally, respond to comments, participate in conversations, and build a community around your Pinterest profile. This fosters trust and encourages users to visit your Etsy shop.


So on the whole, is selling on Pinterest worth it? Totally! By implementing the right strategies and consistently creating high-quality content, you’ll soon start attracting your target audience. Additionally, showcasing your products in a way that boosts engagement is bound to convert curious pinners into loyal customers.

Nonetheless, keep experimenting and have fun with your visual storytelling to keep your content fresh and engaging. With dedication and a commitment to providing value to your audience, you can transform your Pinterest business account into a thriving sales engine that fuels your brand’s growth.


Is it free to sell on Pinterest?

Yes and no. Creating a business account and setting up your profile to sell is free. However, some features that can enhance your sales potential, like Promoted Pins, involve advertising costs.

Can you make money selling on Pinterest?

Absolutely! Pinterest offers a unique opportunity to showcase products to a highly engaged audience actively searching for inspiration and new ideas. By implementing effective strategies and creating high-quality content, you can convert those pinners into paying customers.

What sells fast on Pinterest?

While trends can shift, some product categories typically perform well on Pinterest. This includes visually appealing products such as home decor, fashion and jewellery, DIY and craft supplies, as well as seasonal items.

Do you need followers to sell on Pinterest?

While a large following can certainly help, it’s not essential for making sales on Pinterest. The key lies in creating high-quality, targeted content that resonates with the right audience, regardless of follower count. Effective use of keywords, SEO optimization, and engaging visuals can all contribute to attracting potential customers, even with a smaller following.

Is there any fees for selling on Pinterest?

Pinterest itself doesn’t charge any fees for selling on their platform. This means there are no listing fees, transaction fees, or monthly subscriptions associated with selling through Pinterest.

Zara Fahad
Zara Fahad
Zara creates engaging and informative content at SocialBu that simplifies complex marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. Zara's dedication to clear communication and strategic content creation makes her a valuable asset to the SocialBu team.

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