What is the Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts and Videos

Best time to post on youtube shorts

Are you ready to discover the best time to post YouTube Shorts and maximize the reach of your content? Introduced in September 2020, YouTube Shorts have quickly gained popularity, offering a platform for creators to share entertaining content and connect with viewers in a new way.

However, the challenge is not creating a short-form video feature on the platform. It is figuring out the best time to post YouTube Shorts. The day and timings impact the performance of your posted content which might be slightly tricky to achieve.

Let’s identify the best time to post YouTube Shorts and videos through this blog!

Times to Post YouTube Shorts

YouTube algorithm works differently in comparison to other social media platforms hence the engagement differs too. Therefore, it’s not like your content will be thrown on the consumers’ screen the minute you post it.

Rather, once you publish your content on YouTube, the platform processes it and makes it visible to the audience when their activity is at peak.

Ideally the best time to post YouTube shorts on weekdays is between 2-4 pm and 7-10 pm. Whereas on weekends, the best time to post on YouTube shorts is 9-11 am.

Take a look at the day-to-day breakdown of the best time to post on YouTube to engage your target masses. However, keep in mind that these timings may vary from region to region and the previous watch history of the viewers.

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Saturday

The optimal times to post YouTube Shorts on Saturdays are typically between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Then again from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to capture both morning and evening viewership peaks.

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Sunday

For Sundays, consider posting YouTube Shorts between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. and later in the evening around 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. to reach audiences during their leisure time and peak online activity periods.

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Monday

On Mondays, aim to post YouTube Shorts between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. and then later in the evening from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to engage viewers during their morning routines and evening relaxation times.

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Wednesday

Wednesdays are ideal for posting YouTube Shorts between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. and then in the late afternoon around 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to capture viewers during their midweek breaks and evening wind-down periods.

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Thursday

Thursdays are optimal for posting YouTube Shorts between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and then in the early evening around 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to capture viewers during their active morning hours and post-work relaxation time.

Best time to post YouTube Shorts on Friday

Fridays see high engagement for YouTube Shorts between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. and then later in the afternoon from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. as viewers prepare for the weekend and seek entertainment and relaxation.

Steps to Discover the Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts

As mentioned earlier, posting at the right time can be a game-changer for getting those views and building an engaged audience.

In addition to understanding the general optimal posting times on YouTube, it’s essential to determine the most suitable posting schedule tailored to your individual YouTube channel.

Here’s a systematic approach you can explore to uncover the ideal time slots that can maximize the impact of your YouTube videos:

Step 1: Head Over to the Analytics Section

To access the analytics section on YouTube and identify the ideal time to post YouTube Shorts, follow these steps on your desktop:

Open YouTube on your desktop, click on your profile image and select YouTube Studio.

Best time to post on youtube shorts

On your channel dashboard, click on “Analytics” which is located in the left-hand menu. This gives you access to data that helps you understand your channel’s performance.

However, in case there is no graph present, then this indicates no viewership on your page for the last 28 days.

Next, in channel analytics, click in the “Audience” tab to analyze the best time to post YouTube videos. Here, you will be able to identify various information like returning viewers, unique viewers, and subscribers.

Most importantly, here you will also be able to discover when your viewers are on YouTube.

Best time to post on youtube shorts

Step 2: Identify the best day and time

Discovering the peak time to post YouTube Shorts is simple. You can use the newly introduced ‘When your viewers are on YouTube’ report.

You need to study the purple bar graph present in this section to understand the page’s performance.

Furthermore, the purple graph varies on the activity of the previous 28 days and your specific time zone and location.

Decoding the graph below, the dark purple bars indicate the maximum activity of the audience present on YouTube. On the contrary, the light purple bars indicate the minimum activity of audience on YouTube.

Incase of multiple dark bars appearing frequently through the week, it is best to pick any day with light purple bars and target it to post your YouTube shorts.

This is because the YouTube algorithm causes them to achieve maximum views during the first 2 days after your posting.

Best time to post on youtube shorts

For instance, if your ideal time to post on YouTube falls on a Tuesday and Monday appears to have very light purple bars, then you can post YouTube shorts on Monday.

It will increase the likelihood of getting higher views on Monday as well, thus boosting your overall page performance.

Nevertheless, the best time to post on YouTube Shorts today might be different a month later. This is why regularly monitoring YouTube analytics is essential for maximizing your creative videos on the platform.

Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts for New Channels

For new channels, using an average time is advisable since it’s too early for the YouTube algorithm to suggest any data for a specific time frame.

Regardless, using the specific time frames mentioned in this article can serve as a good starting point for a new channel. However, one important consideration is that the YouTube algorithm works differently than other social platforms.

Hence, any content aimed to be posted between the targeted time frame should be uploaded 2-3 hours beforehand instead of the actual peak time frame.

Furthermore, to make sure you don’t miss out on posting regularly at the peak time slots, scheduling your YouTube Shorts and videos is a saviour.

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Crafting videos for YouTube can be a demanding task. The time and effort poured into each one deserves the best shot at success. That’s where strategic timing comes in.

Optimizing your upload schedule can significantly boost your video’s reach. Besides, posting on YouTube when most of the relevant audience is active makes the video pop up on your audience’s home page.

The key is to draw inspiration from popular upload times, then refine your strategy with YouTube Analytics to target your specific audience.

Remember, timing is just one important piece of the puzzle. High-quality content tailored to your viewers’ interests is ultimately the key to unlocking YouTube success.

Have you found your best time to post YouTube videos yet?


What’s the best time to post Shorts on YouTube?

The best time to post Shorts on YouTube is generally between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. on weekdays. On weekends, it’s usually between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. However, this is likely to vary for different regions. Thus, A/B testing can help you identify the best average time frame to post.

How do I get more views on YouTube Shorts?

To get more views on YouTube Shorts, it is recommended to post during peak hours when most users are online. This is typically after work hours and before bedtime on weekdays, and in the afternoon and early evening on weekends. Besides, posting at high-traffic moments can maximize engagement, visibility, and performance on recommendation algorithms

Is it good to post YouTube Shorts everyday?

Posting YouTube Shorts everyday is beneficial for growth. Hence, stick by a minimum recommendation of three times per week to increase visibility and engagement. However, the frequency of posting should align with your business goals and audience preferences

What is the best time to upload video on YouTube in Pakistan?

The best time to upload videos on YouTube in Pakistan can vary based on the target audience and their online habits. Generally, for YouTube Shorts, the best times to post are between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. on weekdays. For weekends, it is between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. on weekends. However, considering the specific audience and content can help determine the optimal posting time for Pakistan.

Zara Fahad
Zara Fahad
Zara creates engaging and informative content at SocialBu that simplifies complex marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. Zara's dedication to clear communication and strategic content creation makes her a valuable asset to the SocialBu team.

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