Top 17 Funniest TikTok Comments of All Time

Top 17 Funniest TikTok Comments of All Time

Are you ready to laugh out loud? TikTok has taken the world by storm with its endless stream of hilarious videos, and it’s not just the content that’s funny. The funniest TikTok comments are legendary for their wit, sarcasm, and unexpected humor.

You’ll find TikTok users comparing creators to mythical creatures to compliment their video-making skills with a clever twist. They have an uncanny ability to leave us in stitches with their comments. Moreover, these commentators end up blowing up the content on TikTok.

In this blog, we’ve compiled a list of the top 17 funniest TikTok comments of all time. So, get ready to chuckle and maybe even snort as we dive into the wittiest and most outrageous comments the platform has to offer.

Funniest TikTok Comments

1. “Why are you so perfect? Are you a toaster?”

Why are you so perfect? Are you a toaster? - funniest TikTok comments

This comment is funny because it’s an entirely unexpected and random comparison. It’s also a great example of how humor on TikTok doesn’t always have to make logical sense to be effective.

Additionally, it’s a compliment disguised as a joke, which is a common technique used by TikTok users to flatter the person in the video. This is why it is one of the funniest TikTok comments of all time.

2. “Your video just cured my depression. How can I repay you? Do you take cash or card?”

Your video just cured my depression. How can I repay you? Do you take cash or card?

This comment is a hilarious way to express how much a person enjoyed a video. It’s also a clever way to playfully exaggerate the positive impact that TikTok can have on our mood. The addition of the line “Do you take cash or card?” adds a funny touch of absurdity to the comment, making it even more memorable.

Overall, this comment showcases the unique humor that is so prevalent on TikTok and how it can be used to express appreciation for great content in a fun and unexpected way. A fun fact is that this comment made someone a popular TikTok influencer too!

3. “If I had a dollar for every time I watched this video, I’d have enough money to buy TikTok.”

f I had a dollar for every time I watched this video, I'd have enough money to buy TikTok

This comment is a great example of how TikTok users use humor to show their love for a particular video. The exaggeration in the comment adds a humorous element to the compliment, while the reference to buying TikTok adds a playful and relatable twist to the comment.

Additionally, the use of a hypothetical scenario can make a comment more engaging for other TikTok users to respond to and create a conversation around.

4. “You’re like a modern-day Shakespeare, except you don’t rhyme and are not dead.”

You're like a modern-day Shakespeare, except you don't rhyme, and you're not dead - Funniest TikTok Comments of All Time

This comment cleverly compares the person in the video to a famous writer, adding a humorous twist. The use of the word “except” creates a contrast between the person in the video and Shakespeare, which adds a humorous element to the comment.

The reference to Shakespeare also adds a cultural and intellectual element to the humor, which can appeal to TikTok users who enjoy witty comments making it one of the funniest TikTok comments.

5. “You have more talent in your little finger than I have in my entire body.”

You have more talent in your little finger than I have in my entire body

Want to get more followers on TikTok? Then encourage your viewers to leave smart and funny comments like these under your content. This comment is a smart way of showing appreciation for the talent displayed in the video and for being funny.

The exaggeration emphasizes the difference in talent between the person in the video and the commenter.

6. “You’re like a unicorn, but instead of a horn, you have a TikTok account.”

You're like a unicorn, but instead of a horn, you have a TikTok account

This comment creatively compares the person in the video to a mythical creature while being funny. Using a metaphor adds a playful and imaginative element to the comment, while the reference to a TikTok account adds a modern and relatable twist to the comparison.

The comment also shows appreciation for the person’s uniqueness and originality, which can be a common theme in TikTok comments.

7. “You’re so funny; you could make a cat laugh.”

You're so funny; you could make a cat laugh - Funniest TikTok Comments

This is another funny TikTok comment. It is a great way to compliment the person in the video while also being humorous. The comparison to a cat adds a cute and playful element to the comment.

This comment encourages other TikTok users to engage with the video and show their appreciation for the person’s humor.

8. “You’re like a human version of a meme.”

You're like a human version of a meme

This comment cleverly compares the person in the video to a popular internet phenomenon while being funny. The reference to memes adds a modern and relatable element to the comment, while the comparison to a human version adds a humorous and creative twist.

9. “You’re like a ninja, but instead of fighting, you make TikTok videos.”

You're like a ninja, but instead of fighting, you make TikTok videos - Funniest TikTok Comments

The comparison between a ninja and a TikToker highlights the person’s quick reflexes, creativity, and ability to perform stunts and dance moves with precision.

It also suggests that the person is highly skilled in their craft and has a devoted following, just like a ninja with loyal followers.

10. “You’re like a superhero, but instead of saving the world, you make TikTok videos.”

funniest tiktok comments

The comment suggests that the person significantly impacts people’s lives through their videos, and their followers admire them as they would admire a superhero.

The comment also implies that making people laugh and bringing joy to their lives is just as important as saving the world. This is why it is considered one of the funniest TikTok comments.

11. “You’re like a wizard, but instead of spells, you use TikTok to make magic.”

You're like a wizard, but instead of spells, you use TikTok to make magic - Funniest TikTok Comments

The comment implies that the person has the ability to make people laugh, smile, and feel entertained through their videos, just like a wizard has the power to cast spells and perform magic.

12. “You’re like a scientist, but instead of experiments, you create TikTok videos.”

You're like a scientist, but instead of experiments, you create TikTok videos

The comment suggests that the person is highly analytical and creative, just like a scientist who experiments and discovers new things.

The person in the video is creating videos and experimenting with different concepts, styles, and techniques to make their videos stand out from the rest.

13. “You’re like a chef, but instead of food, you cook up TikTok videos.”

You're like a chef, but instead of food, you cook up TikTok videos

The comment implies that the person can create something from scratch and turn it into a masterpiece, just like a chef who cooks delicious meals.

The person in the video is not only creating videos but putting their heart and soul into them, making them unique and enjoyable for their followers.

14. “You’re like a DJ, but instead of music, you mix TikTok videos.”

You're like a DJ, but instead of music, you mix TikTok videos - funniest TikTok comments- funniest TikTok comments

The comment means the person has a great sense of rhythm and timing, just like a DJ who mixes music. The person in the video creates videos and uses different sounds, transitions, and effects to make their videos more engaging and entertaining.

15. “You’re like a painter, but instead of a canvas, you use TikTok to create art.”

funniest tiktok comments

This comment is a creative way to say that this person’s videos are visually appealing and memorable.

16. “I laughed so hard at this video that I woke up my neighbors.”

funniest tiktok commentsThis comment is a humorous way to express how funny the video is. It suggests that the video is so hilarious that it has the power to make people laugh uncontrollably, to the point where they even wake up their neighbors.

17. “You’re like a magician, but instead of pulling rabbits out of hats, you make amazing TikTok videos appear out of thin air.”

You're like a magician, but instead of pulling rabbits out of hats, you make amazing TikTok videos appear out of thin air - funniest TikTok comments

This comment highlights how TikTok users can seemingly create impressive and entertaining videos. The use of the phrase “out of thin air” adds to the sense of magic and wonder associated with the comment. Overall, it is a creative and lighthearted way to compliment someone’s TikTok skills.


There you have it, the top 17 Funniest TikTok Comments of all time. These comments have become internet sensations and have brought endless laughter to millions of people. TikTok’s comments section continues to provide a space for humor and amusement, and we can’t wait to see what hilarious comments will come next.

So next time you’re scrolling through TikTok, be sure to keep an eye out for these classic comments and get ready to laugh until your sides hurt. And you can also use one of these as well whenever you find a TikTok video super hilarious and praiseworthy.

Eisha Mirza
Eisha Mirza
Pursuing my love for content creation and spreading magic with words is what I enjoy. I am a strong believer of "It isn't what you write, it's the way you write it." ~Jack Kerouac

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