How to Get More Views and Likes on Facebook

With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook is an unbeatable platform for connecting with others and building your online presence. But with so many people vying for attention, how can you get likes and views on Facebook? It can be challenging to get your posts seen and engaged with.

In this blog, we’re sharing our expert advice on how to get likes and views on Facebook, which can help you grow your audience and achieve your goals.

Why Views and Likes Matter

On Facebook, views and likes are more than just vanity metrics. They represent the connections you’re forging with your audience. High engagement shows the Facebook algorithm that your content is valuable and relevant, increasing its visibility in newsfeeds.

This translates to a broader reach, fostering brand awareness for your business, amplifying your voice, or strengthening the reach of your cause.

Understanding Facebook Algorithm

While the inner workings of the Facebook algorithm remain a bit of a mystery, some key factors are believed to influence content visibility. These include how relevant your posts are to user interests, the level of engagement your content receives (likes, comments, shares), and how often you post. You can outsmart the algorithm by understanding these factors and creating content that resonates with your audience.

10 Winning Strategies to Reignite Your Facebook Engagement

Are you not sure how to get more views and likes on Facebook? Here are the top 10 proven and tested strategies to get more views and likes on Facebook.

1. Know Your AudienceFacebook audience

The first step to Facebook’s success is understanding who you want to reach. Identify your target audience’s demographics (age group, interests) and tailor your content accordingly. What kind of content would pique their curiosity? What problems can you solve for them?

2. Stay Fresh in Their Minds by Post ConsistentlyFacebook consistently

Regular posting is critical to maintaining visibility in the ever-flowing Facebook newsfeed. Aim for a consistent posting schedule, even if it’s just a few times a week. Moreover, figure out the best time to post on Facebook. Creating a content calendar can help you plan your posts and ensure a steady stream of fresh content.

3. Captivate with Images & Videos

Facebook images

Let’s face it: people are drawn to visually appealing content. High-quality images, engaging videos, and eye-catching infographics can stop viewers from scrolling and entice them to learn more.

4. Craft Compelling Headlines & Captions


Imagine your headline as a fishing lure. You want it to be irresistible! Craft headlines and captions that pique viewers’ curiosity ask questions and keep it concise. A strong hook will draw them in and make them want to read more.

5. Engagement is a Two-Way Street


Facebook thrives on interaction! Don’t just broadcast – encourage engagement. Pose questions in your posts, respond to comments promptly, and participate in discussions. This fosters a sense of community and keeps viewers coming back for more.

6. Go Live & Be Social

Facebook Live offers a fantastic real-time way to connect with your audience. Host Q&A sessions, offer behind-the-scenes glimpses, or conduct live tutorials. This personal touch allows viewers to connect with you deeper and builds stronger relationships.

7. Be Part of a Bigger Community

Actively participate in Facebook groups and communities relevant to your niche. Share valuable content, offer insights, and build relationships with other members. This exposes you to a broader audience beyond your immediate follower base and positions you as an expert.

8. Share Across Other Platforms

Don’t let your Facebook content exist in a silo! Leverage your other social media platforms to promote your Facebook posts. Briefly mention your latest Facebook post on Twitter or Instagram, include relevant hashtags and encourage viewers to follow you on Facebook for more engaging content.

9. Track & Analyze

Facebook Insights is a goldmine of information! Utilize it to track key metrics like reach, engagement, and clicks. Analyze which content resonates with your audience and adapt your strategy accordingly. This data-driven approach ensures you’re creating content your viewers crave.

10. Experiment & Have Fun

The world of social media is constantly evolving! Don’t be afraid to experiment with different content formats, try new features, and embrace creativity. Stay up-to-date on trends, inject your personality into your content, and, most importantly, have fun connecting with your audience.

Master TikTok Engagements with SocialBu

SocialBu is a powerful social media management tool that can help you master TikTok engagements. With SocialBu, you can:

Schedule your TikTok posts in advance

  • Schedule your Facebook posts in advanced
  • Engage with your audience and respond to comments
  • Analyze your performance and adjust your strategy accordingly


Finally, we have concluded this comprehensive guide on how to get more likes and views on Facebook. Mastering Facebook engagements is crucial to building a loyal following and increasing your online presence.

With SocialBu, you can schedule your posts, use trending hashtags, engage with your audience, analyze your performance, and run social media contests. SocialBu tools allow you to schedule posts in advance, track performance metrics, and collaborate with team members from one central hub.


How can I increase my Facebook viewers?

You need to post engaging content to increase Facebook views, use hashtags, and tag friends.

How do I increase Facebook likes?

  • Post high-quality content
  • Run a contest
  • Engage with others

How do you increase likes on FB automatically?

To increase Facebook likes, use Facebook’s built-in features, such as the “Invite Friends” and “Share” buttons.

How can I get 1k on Facebook?

  • To get 1k on Facebook
  • Post consistently
  • Use Facebook Ads
  • Promote your page

How do you boost your FB page?

Use Facebook Ads, optimize your page, and post engaging content.

Why are my Facebook views so low?

Posts may not be engaging, infrequent posting, or poor timing.

Bilal Khan
Bilal Khan
Bilal khan creates engaging and informative content at SocialBu that simplifies complex marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. With Bilal's dedication to clear communication and strategic content creation, he is a valuable asset to the SocialBu team.

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