Top 27 Twitter Trending Topics in 2024

twitter trending topics

Twitter trending topics in 2024 showed us what the world cared about most. These trends give us a peek into what people were talking about and thinking about all year long. From big news stories to funny internet jokes, Twitter was the place where people shared their thoughts and feelings.

In this blog post, we’ll look at the 27 biggest Twitter trends of 2024. We’ll talk about why these topics became so popular and how they affected different parts of our lives. Whether you use social media a lot or just a little, you’ll find something interesting here.

We’ll cover all kinds of trends, like important world events, new technology, and fun pop culture moments. You’ll see how these trends changed the way people talked to each other online and maybe even in real life.

Understanding Twitter Trends

Twitter uses a complex system to figure out what’s trending. It looks at how many people are talking about a topic and how quickly that number is growing. The Twitter algorithm also considers if a topic is new or if it’s been popular for a while.

For example, when a big sports event like the Super Bowl happens, you might see it in the Twitter trending topics USA. The algorithm notices that lots of people are suddenly tweeting about the game, so it marks it as a trend.

understanding Twitter trends


1. The Impact of Trends on User Engagement and Content Creation

Trends on Twitter can really change how people use the platform. When something starts trending, more people join in the conversation. This leads to more tweets, retweets, and likes.

Trends also inspire people to create new content. If a funny meme becomes popular, you might see lots of people making their own versions of it. This keeps the trend going and makes Twitter more fun and engaging for everyone.

2. The Evolving Nature of Trends

Twitter trends change fast in our continuously evolving technological world. What’s popular one day might be forgotten the next. This quick pace reflects how quickly information spreads online.

Trends can start from anywhere. Sometimes, they come from big news events, while other times, they might start from a single tweet that goes viral. This unpredictability makes Twitter an exciting place to be.

It’s also worth noting that trends can vary by location. What’s trending in New York might be different from what’s trending in Los Angeles. This shows how Twitter reflects local interests and events, too.

Understanding Twitter trends helps us see what’s capturing people’s attention right now. Whether it’s breaking news, a funny meme, or a heated debate, trends give us a real-time look at what the world is talking about.

Top 27 Twitter Trending Topics of 2024

Now, let’s discuss the most popular Twitter trending topics worldwide in 2024. These trends cover a wide range of categories, reflecting the diverse interests of Twitter users around the globe.

Politics and Global Affairs

  • The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election dominated Twitter discussions, with hashtags related to candidates and key issues trending for months.
  • The UN Climate Summit 2024 sparked global conversations about environmental policies and climate change solutions.
  • The passage of the Global Digital Rights Act led to heated debates about online privacy and freedom of speech.

Technology and Innovation

  • The unveiling of a new AI model capable of human-like reasoning caused both excitement and concern among Twitter users.
  • Apple’s release of its first augmented reality glasses created a buzz in the tech community and beyond.
  • SpaceX’s successful mission to Mars captured the imagination of millions, trending for weeks on Twitter.

Entertainment and Pop Culture

  • “Deadpool 3,” featuring the return of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, became a massive hit on Twitter trending topics worldwide. The film’s blend of humor and Marvel multiverse elements sparked countless memes and fan theories online.
  • The premiere of “House of the Dragon” Season 2 on HBO Max reignited the Game of Thrones fandom, dominating social media discussions with each episode release. The show’s plot twists and character developments kept Twitter buzzing throughout its run.
  • The 66th Annual Grammy Awards saw a historic moment as Taylor Swift became the artist with the most Album of the Year wins, sparking widespread celebration and discussion on Twitter about her impact on the music industry.


  • The 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris generated millions of tweets, with highlights and medal ceremonies trending daily.
  • The UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany saw unexpected upsets and record-breaking performances, becoming one of the most tweeted sporting events in history.
  • The introduction of AI-assisted refereeing in major soccer leagues sparked debates about technology in sports officiating.

Social Movements and Activism

  • Global protests against rising income inequality and cost of living trended across multiple countries.
  • The #PlasticFreeChallenge encouraged users to share their efforts to reduce plastic consumption for a month.
  • A campaign for universal basic income gained traction, with millions pledging support on Twitter.

Health and Wellness

  • Breakthroughs in CRISPR gene editing technology for treating genetic diseases sparked hope and discussions online.
  • The World Health Organization’s global mental health initiative went viral, encouraging open conversations about mental well-being.
  • The global response to a new antibiotic-resistant bacterial strain was widely discussed and debated on Twitter.

Business and Economy

  • The potential merger between Microsoft and Netflix led to speculation about its impact on the streaming and gaming industries.
  • The widespread adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) caused ripples across financial markets and social media.
  • Neuralink’s first successful human trial of its brain-computer interface became an overnight sensation, trending globally.

Science and Discovery

  • The James Webb Space Telescope’s discovery of potential biosignatures on an exoplanet captivated Twitter users worldwide.
  • The activation of the world’s first commercial nuclear fusion reactor prompted discussions about the future of clean energy.
  • The unearthing of a vast ancient city in the Amazon rainforest fascinated history enthusiasts on Twitter.

Internet Culture and Memes

  • The “Digital Detox Challenge,” where users shared their experiences of going offline for a week, swept across Twitter.
  • An AI-generated art piece winning a prestigious art competition became the most debated meme of 2024.
  • Twitter’s introduction of a decentralized, blockchain-based verification system sparked discussions about online identity and authenticity.

These trends are based on current projections, scheduled events, and ongoing developments that are likely to continue into 2024. If you want to search about particular events or trends on Twitter, you can use the advanced search. However, it’s important to note that actual events and their impact on Twitter trends may vary as we approach and move through 2024.

Analysis of Twitter Trends

As we dive into the Twitter trends of 2024, we uncover fascinating patterns and insights. These trends not only show us what captured the world’s attention but also reveal how our society is evolving. Let’s take a closer look at what made Twitter buzz this year and how it compares to the past.

1. Patterns and Themes Across Trending Topics

Looking at the Twitter trending topics archive for 2024, we can see some clear patterns. First, global events continue to dominate conversations. The U.S. Presidential Election and the Summer Olympics in Paris were major talking points throughout the year. This shows that Twitter remains a go-to platform for real-time discussions about world events.

Another noticeable trend is the growing influence of technology in various aspects of life. From AI advancements to space exploration, tech-related topics frequently trended. This reflects the increasing role of technology in our daily lives and its impact on society.

Social and environmental issues also gained significant traction. Climate change, mental health awareness, and social equality movements often trended, highlighting Twitter’s role as a platform for activism and social change.

2. Comparison to Previous Years’ Trends

Compared to previous years, we see a shift in the nature of trending topics. While political events and entertainment news continue to be popular, there’s a noticeable increase in science and technology-related trends. This shift might be due to rapid advancements in fields like AI and space exploration.

Environmental issues have also gained more prominence compared to previous years. This could be a result of increasing awareness about climate change and its impacts.

Interestingly, there’s been a rise in trends related to digital well-being and online identity. Topics like the “Digital Detox Challenge” and discussions about online verification systems weren’t as prevalent in previous years.

3. The Role of Current Events in Shaping Trends

Current events played a crucial role in shaping Twitter trends in 2024. Major political events, scientific discoveries, and global challenges quickly became trending topics. For example, the response to new health threats and breakthroughs in medical research often trended, showing how real-world events directly influence online conversations.

The ongoing climate crisis continued to be a significant driver of trends. From extreme weather events to international climate conferences, environmental topics regularly appeared in trending lists.

Moreover, unexpected events often led to sudden trend spikes. Whether it was a surprise album drop from a major artist or an unforeseen sports upset, these moments captured Twitter’s attention and drove conversations.

The Twitter trends of 2024 reflect a world grappling with technological advancements, environmental challenges, and social changes. They show how Twitter serves as a real-time mirror of society’s interests, concerns, and reactions to unfolding events. As we move forward, it will be interesting to see how these trends evolve and what new topics emerge in the ever-changing landscape of social media.

For the Twitter analytics tool, you can read “Top 7 (X) Twitter Analytics Tools in 2024.”

Impact of Twitter Trends

Twitter trends don’t just stay on the platform. They can change how people think and act in the real world. Let’s look at how these trends affected different areas of our lives in 2024.

effects of trends

1. Influence on Public Opinion and Discourse

Twitter trending topics Turkey and other regions around the world showed how the platform shapes public opinion. For example, during the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, trending hashtags and discussions on Twitter influenced how people viewed candidates and issues.

Twitter trends also brought attention to important social issues. The viral #PlasticFreeChallenge raised awareness about plastic pollution. As a result, many people changed their habits and put pressure on companies to reduce plastic use.

2. Effect on Marketing and Brand Strategies

Brands paid close attention to Twitter trends in 2024. They used these trends to connect with customers and create relevant content. For example, when the Apple Vision Pro headset launched and became a trending topic, many tech companies joined the conversation. They shared their thoughts on the future of virtual reality, gaining visibility and engaging with potential customers.

Some brands even created their own trends. The “Digital Detox Challenge” started as a marketing campaign but quickly became a global trend. This shows how companies can use Twitter to start meaningful conversations and boost their brand image.

3. Reflection of Societal Values and Concerns

Twitter trends in 2024 mirrored what society cared about most. The frequent trending of climate-related topics showed growing concern about environmental issues.

Mental health was another repeating Twitter trend. The World Health Organization’s mental health initiative went viral, reflecting a growing openness to discussing mental well-being. This trend encouraged more people to seek help and reduced the stigma around mental health issues.

Technology-related trends, like discussions about AI and gene editing, showed both excitement and concern about rapid technological progress. These trends sparked important debates about ethics and the future of humanity.

Twitter trends in 2024 did more than just show what was popular. They influenced opinions, changed marketing strategies, and reflected our society’s values and worries. As Twitter continues to be a major platform for global conversations, its trends will likely keep playing a big role in shaping our world.


Twitter trending topics in 2024 showed us what people around the world care about. From big news events to fun internet jokes, Twitter was the place where people shared their thoughts and feelings. We saw trends about politics, new technology, popular movies and music, and important social issues.

These trends tell us a lot about our world. They show what makes people excited, worried, or curious. Twitter has become an important tool for understanding what’s happening right now. Looking ahead, we can expect Twitter to keep changing and growing. New types of trends might pop up as technology and society change. However, one thing is clear: Twitter will continue to be a place where people come together to talk about what matters to them.

Whether you use Twitter for fun, for work, or to learn about the world, paying attention to trends can help you stay informed and connected.

Want to stay on top of Twitter trends? Try SocialBu today and improve your social media strategy.


1. How can I see what’s trending on Twitter?

You can view trending topics on Twitter by clicking on the “Explore” tab or the search icon and then looking at the “Trending” section. Twitter also shows some trending topics on the right side of your home feed on the desktop.

2. Why do some topics trend more than others?

Topics trend based on a combination of volume (how many people are tweeting about it) and velocity (how quickly the number of tweets is increasing). Twitter’s algorithm also considers if a topic is new or has been popular for a while.

3. Can trends be manipulated or artificially created?

While it’s possible to attempt to manipulate trends, Twitter has systems in place to detect and prevent artificial inflation of trending topics. However, coordinated efforts by large groups can sometimes influence trends.

4. How long does a topic typically stay trending?

The duration for which a topic stays trending varies greatly depending on the subject and ongoing engagement. Some topics may trend for just a few hours, while others, especially related to major events, can trend for days.

5. Are Twitter trends the same globally, or do they vary by region?

Twitter trends can vary by region. You can change your trend settings to see worldwide trends or trends specific to certain locations, allowing for both global and localized trending topics.

Noor Fatima
Noor Fatima
Noor Fatima creates engaging and informative content at SocialBu that simplifies complex marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. With Noor's dedication to clear communication and strategic content creation, she is a valuable asset to the SocialBu team.

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