Bid Farewell to LinkedIn Carousels, Profile Videos, and In-Image Links

LinkedIn carousels and latest move

LinkedIn, the leading professional networking platform, has made a significant announcement regarding its content creation tools and LinkedIn carousels.

Acting on user feedback and striving to improve the sharing of professional insights and expertise, LinkedIn has decided to phase out some features that, according to user experience, haven’t lived up to expectations.

Starting from June 26th, 2023, LinkedIn no longer supports the creation of carousels, profile videos, and in-image links, although existing posts using these features will remain visible.

The carousel, a format that allowed users to combine multiple images or videos into a single, swipe-able post, has historically generated high engagement, making this removal a substantial change.

Before LinkedIn introduced the native carousel posting option, users found a workaround to create carousel posts by uploading multi-page PDFs, each page serving as an individual frame.

As the platform discontinues the native carousel feature, users interested in maintaining this content style must return to the PDF method.

LinkedIn introduced the profile video feature in 2021, but they have now phased it out. It allowed users to attach short video clips to their profile images but didn’t achieve significant traction among the platform’s users.

Despite promoting usage with additional prompts and recommendations, LinkedIn retired the feature by the end of June.

Finally, LinkedIn also removed the ability to embed clickable links within images or videos of posts, a feature introduced in August of the previous year. Although it could drive referral traffic, the in-image linking option failed to catch on with the user base.

While these changes might not dramatically impact all users, they indicate LinkedIn’s commitment to streamlining its platform according to the preferences and needs of its user base.

Professionals utilizing LinkedIn for networking, job hunting, or content sharing should stay attuned to the platform’s feature set shifts.

Iqra Rai
Iqra Rai
As a senior content marketer and strategist for SocialBu, I believe that content should engage readers and elicit a positive emotional response. As a skilled conversationalist, I help SocialBu leverage marketing strategies to drive growth, increase conversions, and improve overall ROI.

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