23+ Scroll Stopping Hook Templates for TikTok to Get More Views

23+ Scroll Stopping Hook Templates to Get More Views on TikTok

TikTok has taken the world by storm, becoming one of the most popular social media platforms. With over 1 billion active users, it’s a great way to get your content seen by a massive audience. That’s where scroll-stopping hook templates for TikTok come in.

These hooks are attention-grabbing phrases or visuals that make people pause their scrolling and take notice of your video. They’re essential for getting more views on TikTok, as they encourage people to watch and engage with your content.

In this blog, we’ll share some of the best hook templates for TikTok.

Scroll-Stopping Hook Templates

Use the following hook templates for TikTok to increase your views.

1. You won’t believe what happens next

You won't believe what happens next

This hook is perfect for TikToks that have a surprising or unexpected twist at the end. It creates a sense of curiosity and encourages people to watch until the end to see what happens.

This classic attention-grabber hook creates anticipation and intrigue in the viewer. It’s commonly used in videos that have a surprise or twist ending. For example, a video of someone attempting to jump over a pool but instead falling in could use this hook to create suspense and encourage viewers to watch until the end to see the unexpected result.

Other examples to use this hook include before-and-after videos, transformation videos, and reaction videos where the outcome is surprising. It’s essential to ensure that the twist or surprise ending is worth the build-up, as viewers may feel disappointed if the payoff isn’t satisfying.

2. The secret to [insert topic here] revealed

he secret to [insert topic here] revealed

Everyone loves a good secret, so this hook is great for videos that share tips or advice on a particular topic. It creates a sense of exclusivity and makes people feel like they’re getting access to insider knowledge. It is why many TikTok influencers make content like this.

This hook is compelling for videos that offer tips, tricks, or insights into a specific topic. For example, a video that reveals the secret to making perfect fluffy pancakes could use this hook to entice viewers to watch and learn the technique.

This hook includes videos that offer makeup tips, fitness advice, life hacks, or any kind of insider knowledge that the viewer may find valuable. It’s essential to deliver on the promise of the secret or tip, as viewers may feel let down if the information is useless or doesn’t live up to their expectations.

3. I can’t believe I’m sharing this with you

I can't believe I'm sharing this with you

Similar to the previous hook, this one creates a sense of exclusivity and makes people feel like they’re getting access to something special.

This hook is adequate for personal or behind-the-scenes videos where the creator reveals something intimate or private to their audience. It creates a sense of closeness and trust between the creator and the viewer, as if they share a secret.

For example, a creator could use this hook to share a personal story, a moment of vulnerability, or a behind-the-scenes look at their creative process.

TikToks that could use this hook include videos that share a personal experience, a confession, or a surprising fact about the creator. Such hook templates for TikTok help immensely to get famous on TikTok.

An example of this hook being used is, “I can’t believe I’m sharing this personal story with you. But, I hope it helps someone going through a similar experience, so you know you’re not alone.”

4. This is what [insert celebrity name here] eats in a day

This is what [insert celebrity name here] eats in a day

If you want to become famous quickly and get more TikTok followers, you should try this hook. It is effective for videos that feature celebrity diets or lifestyles, as viewers are often curious about the habits of the rich and famous. In addition, it creates a sense of intrigue and exclusivity in the viewer, as if they are getting a glimpse into the private lives of celebrities.

For example, a video that showcases the daily diet of a famous actor or athlete could use this hook to entice viewers to watch and learn more.

You can use this hook in videos featuring celebrity workout routines, skincare regimens, or any other aspect of celebrity lifestyle that may interest the viewer.

A famous TikTok example of this hook is “What does Kylie Jenner eat in a day? I found out, and it’s surprisingly doable!”

5. The “Strangest” thing you’ll see today

The “Strangest” thing you'll see today

This hook showcases something unusual or unique, such as a bizarre animal encounter, an incredible performance, or a mind-bending optical illusion. It creates a sense of excitement and anticipation in the viewer as if they are about to witness something remarkable.

For example, a video of a street performer doing an incredible juggling routine could use this hook to draw in viewers and showcase the performer’s skills.

You can use this hook in videos that feature rare or exotic foods, unusual travel destinations, or any other type of content that may be considered “weird” or “strange” but still fascinating.

6. I tried [insert trend or challenge here] for a week, and this is what happened

I tried [insert trend or challenge here] for a week, and this is what happened

This hook features popular trends or challenges, as viewers are often curious about the results and outcomes of these challenges. It creates a sense of anticipation and excitement in the viewer as if they are about to witness a personal journey or transformation. For example, a video of someone attempting the “One Week No Phone” challenge could use this hook to entice viewers to watch and see how the challenge affected the creator’s life.

Other examples of TikToks that could use this hook include videos featuring prevalent dance challenges, beauty challenges, or any other challenges currently trending on the app.

7. How to [insert skill or task here] under [insert time frame here]

How to [insert skill or task here] under [insert time frame here]

This hook is great for showcasing your skills or teaching something quickly and concisely. In addition, it creates a sense of urgency and curiosity, making people want to watch your video.

It makes people see if you can deliver on your promise of teaching or demonstrating something quickly. For example, “How to bake a cake in under 5 minutes” or “How to learn a new language in under 30 days.”

8. The ultimate [insert topic here] hack

The ultimate [insert topic here] hack

This hook is engaging because people love learning new things that can make their lives easier. But, of course, the ultimate hack is the one that saves time, money, or effort.

For example, if you’re a makeup artist, you can create a video demonstrating the ultimate hack for getting long-lasting lipstick. Likewise, you can easily show your audience how to peel garlic without making a mess if you’re a chef.

9. I can’t believe this is real

This hook is great for videos that feature strange or unbelievable content, such as natural phenomena, optical illusions, or bizarre talents. It creates a sense of curiosity and wonder.

For example, a video showcasing a person with an incredible memory or a time-lapse of flowers blooming in the desert.

10. The truth about [insert topic here]

This hook is best for videos that debunk myths or reveal surprising facts about a particular topic. It creates a sense of intrigue and curiosity in the viewer, as if they are about to uncover something they didn’t know before.

For example, a video that reveals the truth about common skincare myths could use this hook to entice viewers to watch and learn the truth.

Other examples of TikToks that could use this hook include videos that expose common misconceptions, reveal little-known facts, or provide insights into a controversial topic.

It’s vital to ensure that the information provided is accurate and backed up by reliable sources so the viewers don’t feel disappointed.

11. I got [insert result here] from doing this daily.

I got [insert result here] from doing this daily

This hook showcases the results of consistency and hard work. It creates a sense of inspiration and motivation.

For example, a video showcasing the transformation of someone who worked out every day for a month or the progress of someone who practiced a musical instrument every day for a year.

12. You won’t believe what I found at the thrift store

You won't believe what I found at the thrift store

This hook is great for videos featuring unique, vintage, or exciting items at thrift stores or secondhand shops. It creates a sense of excitement and can inspire people to go thrifting themselves.

For example, a video showcasing a vintage designer handbag found for a fraction of the retail price or a unique piece of furniture found at a thrift store.

13. This is how I [insert achievement here]

This is how I [insert achievement here]

This hook is great for videos that feature personal achievements, such as weight loss, running a marathon, or learning a new skill. It inspires people and makes them want to see how you accomplished your goal.

A famous example; “This is how I lost 100 pounds” – @jordanshrinks

14. The funniest [insert topic here] fails

The funniest Animal fails

Everyone loves a good laugh, so this hook is great for videos that feature funny fails or bloopers. It creates a sense of entertainment and makes people want to see the humorous moments.

A famous example is “The funniest animal fails” – @doggface208

15. I asked my followers to choose my outfit for a week

Ask followers to choose my outfit - scroll stopping TikTok idea

Interactive content is always popular on TikTok, so this hook is great for videos that feature polls or challenges in which your followers can participate. It creates a sense of engagement and makes people want to see the results.

16. I tried the weirdest food/drink from around the world

food/drink from around the world - scroll stopping TikTok idea

Like hook #6, this one is great for videos featuring new foods or drinks from different cultures. These videos are super popular on TikTok because they create a sense of adventure and make people want to see your reactions to new things.

17. I did [insert activity here] for 24 hours straight

24 hours challenge - scroll stopping TikTok idea

This hook is great for videos that feature personal challenges or experiments. It creates a sense of anticipation and makes people want to see how you fared with the activity.

Additionally, this hook is compelling because it allows the audience to see how a person’s body and mind react to a particular activity or task when they do it for an extended period.

The challenge or experiment could be physically demanding, like running or exercising, or mentally challenging, like studying or working. By documenting the entire process, viewers can see the ups and downs of the experience, which can make the content relatable and engaging.

It is also an excellent opportunity to share tips, tricks, and insights that you learned from the activity with your audience.

18. The truth about [insert popular topic or trend here]

“The truth about the keto diet" by Doctor Mike - scroll stopping TikTok hook idea

It is excellent for videos debiting myths or misconceptions about a popular topic or trend. It creates a sense of curiosity and makes people want to know the truth.

A famous example of this hook is “The truth about the keto diet” by Doctor Mike.

19. You won’t believe what I found in my grandma’s attic

You won't believe what I found in my grandma's attic

This hook is great for videos that feature uncovering hidden treasures or heirlooms. It creates a sense of excitement and makes people want to see what you’ve discovered.

20. “The ultimate [insert activity or challenge here] challenge”

The ultimate dance challenge - scroll stopping TikTok idea

Such hook templates for TikTok are great for videos that feature completing a challenging activity or challenge. It creates a sense of excitement and makes people want to see if you can succeed.

For example, “The ultimate dance challenge” or “The ultimate cooking challenge.”

21. I transformed my [insert object or room here] for under $100

Home improvement and DIY videos are always popular on TikTok, so this hook is great for videos that feature them. It creates a sense of inspiration and makes people want to try out the transformations themselves.

22. The most satisfying [insert activity here] video you’ll see today

Satisfying TikToks

Satisfying videos are always popular on TikTok, so this hook is great for videos that feature them. These videos are so popular because they create a sense of relaxation and make people want to watch the satisfying moments completely.

Relaxation is one thing all of us need. You can also try this idea and watch your view count grow!

23. I can’t believe I did this

scroll stopping TikTok hook idea

This idea creates a sense of exclusivity and makes people feel they’re getting access to something special. It’s great for videos that feature surprising or unusual content.

An example is, “I can’t believe I got to meet my favorite celebrity.”

24. I recreated [insert famous movie or TV scene here] in real life

movie scene recreating TikToks

This hook is great for videos that recreate iconic movies or real-life TV scenes. It creates a sense of nostalgia and makes people want to see how you bring the scene to life.

Recreating famous movies or real-life TV scenes can also showcase your creativity and attention to detail. However, it requires careful planning and execution to make the scene as accurate as possible while also putting your spin on it.

Using this hook, you can tap into people’s love for classic movies or TV shows and appeal to a broad audience. It can also be a great way to showcase your cinematography, editing, and special effects skills.

Additionally, this hook can be fun to collaborate with friends or other creators. You can split up roles and work together to make the scene come to life. This is, overall, one of the best scroll-stopping hook templates for TikTok.

25. I tried [insert beauty or fashion trend here] for a week, and here’s what happened

This hook is great for videos that feature personal experiences trying out beauty or fashion trends. TikTok users love watching these videos because they create a sense of curiosity and make people want to see how the trend worked for them.

A famous example of this hook on TikTok is “I tried the 10-step Korean skincare routine for a week.”

Bottom Line

Using these 23+ templates, you can create attention-grabbing phrases or visuals that will make people pause their scrolling and take notice of your video.

So, the next time you create content for TikTok, remember to use the above-mentioned hook templates for TikTok to make your video stand out and become famous within no time.

Eisha Mirza
Eisha Mirza
Pursuing my love for content creation and spreading magic with words is what I enjoy. I am a strong believer of "It isn't what you write, it's the way you write it." ~Jack Kerouac

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