What Is the Best Time to Post on Twitter?

This micro-blogging site is an elite social media platform. Here, all the eminent personalities engage with their followers and fans, more than on any other platform. Like every other social media platform, Twitter also provides a well-established platform to reach the audience. But the question is, what is the best time to post on Twitter to get the most out of it? How to use the potential power that Twitter holds?

Twitter? Let’s Talk About its Power!

Before knowing about the peak Twitter times by day, let’s first look at the power Twitter holds with the help of stats. According to Hootsuite, there are more than 353.1 million active Twitter users around the world. Out of these, 166 million are daily active users. According to stats, Twitter users are 38% more likely to post/tweet reviews about products or brands as compared to any other social media platform out there. Whereas 93% of the Twitter community is ready to be involved in a brand if reached properly. About 85% of the SMEs (small and medium enterprises) use Twitter as a marketing platform. Quite interesting! Right?

These stats prove that Twitter is a large platform, and it should be a part of your marketing strategy. To use it effectively as a marketing channel, you have to post content here in the form of tweets. To get the maximum organic reach, you have to tweet at the best times. We are about to guide you on this; just enjoy reading.

What is the Best Time to Post on Twitter?

A day on Twitter means more than 200 million tweets. Yes! This is not a hypothetical figure but a factual number. You can divide these to get per second, and it comes out to be an average of 9000+ tweets per second. You can imagine how busy place Twitter is. So, to get your tweet noticed and do well in such a competitive place, it should be high quality and posted at the right time on Twitter. 

According to an analysis based on clicks per tweet and audience engagement rates, Wednesdays and Thursdays are the best days to post on Twitter. These are by far the best days to tweet and are the most productive ones when it comes to the results you want for your social media marketing efforts.

However, the best and worst days of posting can vary as per your niche e.g.

  • The best days for non-profits are Wednesday and Friday, but for media, it is Thursday and Friday.
  • Similarly, the worst day for posting in the media niche is Saturday, while for health or education, it is Sunday.

What are Peak Twitter Hours?

The peak activity hours of Twitter are the best time of the day to post on Twitter after 9 am. Users’ activity peaks from 12 pm to 4 pm. This peak time also depends on what day of the week you are considering. For example, the best time to post on Sunday is late evening.

What Day is the Most Active on Twitter?

Based on the clicks per tweet, the most active days on Twitter are Mondays and Thursdays. So maybe people are either excited or sulky about the start and end of the week.

How Sunday is an Important Day to Tweet?

So, deciding the day needs just a simple factual check. It is not as complicated as it looks.

There is a commotion that Sunday is not the day to pitch your business through tweets. Still, there is a time that you can say is the best time to tweet on Sunday, like the morning when people are in bed using phones and enjoying Sunday, i.e, 9 am to 11 am. Evenings are also not as dead as the afternoons. So, you can post from 7 pm-8 pm and get a fair engagement.

Even after knowing the best day to tweet for a B2C engagement, it is not all you want to know. A day is 24 hours long, so the time of posting is also critical to get maximum engagement.

The best time to get maximum engagement is between 9 am to 8 pm. After that, you have 12 hours to work on it. That’s enough time.

But again, check the target timing as per your niche. By keeping these little points in mind, you can maximize the growth potential of your business.

Source: Adespresso 

Best Time to Tweet for Different Industries

As mentioned, the top time to post on Twitter differs from industry to industry.

The peak time for the tech niche will not necessarily be the peak time for anyone posting or writing a tweet in the healthcare, media, or education sector.

For Healthcare Industry:

The best time for the healthcare sector to post on Twitter is

  • Wednesday 9 am. It has the highest engagement rate.
  • Thursday and Monday at 2 pm are also high engagement times in the healthcare niche on Twitter.

Similarly, the graph also shows the clear dead time, such as

  • Saturday and Sunday are not the days to expect high engagement in the healthcare niche on Twitter.
  • Interestingly the time after 8 pm is dead posting time irrespective of the day.

Form Media Industry:

Source: Sprout Social

  • Interestingly the time after 8 pm is dead posting time irrespective of the day except for Thursday in the media niche as well.

Schedule your tweets at the best times to post to reach maximum audience.

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Check Your Twitter Analytics

Now, after knowing how helpful the stats can be to shape your presence on Twitter, you might be wondering about where to get those. Twitter analytics is the best and most reliable source of real-time and authentic data. Visit https://analytics.twitter.com/ to see your full analytics.

It will look like this.

This will help you know what content works better to make more similar content.

To get analytics of specific tweets, click on “View Tweet activity” you will get total impressions, likes, replies, link clicks and profile clicks.

Tweet More. It Makes a Difference.

Even tweeting at the best time of the day cannot guarantee the target reach owing to the small shelf time of the tweets. Therefore, to get the most out of Twitter, post more. Try to post at least 3-5 times per day.

Get the Most Out of Twitter

According to Moz, the median lifespan of a tweet is 18 minutes. This means that you have to post multiple times a day.

Doing it manually is tedious and time taking. Plus, being a human, it’s difficult for us to be so punctual. In this scenario, third-party scheduling tools are a saviour. SocialBu is one of them. It allows scheduling tweets as well as Twitter threads.

Schedule Your Tweets

It is no secret that maintaining a social media presence is quite enticing but hectic too. Sometimes you cannot log in to your account and post the updates. Furthermore, being inactive on Twitter will make your audience less engaged with you, affecting your tweet’s organic reach.

You can schedule your tweets with SocialBu, so your audience does not miss anything about you or your business.

  1. To schedule the tweet, log in to SocialBu.
  2. Go to the “Schedule” tab and select the account for which you have to schedule the tweet.
  3. Compose your tweet, add media if you want to, and then simply schedule the tweet on the required time and date.

Automate Your Twitter Threads

Scheduling the tweets is okay and easy; the problem here is that Twitter holds 280 characters limit for tweets. There are many times when you want to say more, but this character limitation halts it. To overcome that, create Twitter threads.

SocialBu offers thread scheduling as well. Follow these steps to schedule a Twitter thread:

  1. When you are creating a tweet from SocialBu, click “all options”.
  2. It will reveal the new options for you to add the threaded replies to the tweet you are about to schedule.
  3. Add the threaded replies to your tweet and simply schedule it.

Respond to Your Audience

When someone follows you on Twitter, you can create an automation to thank or acknowledge them. Doing this will impress your followers, and they can know that they are worthy.

  1. To do this, go to the “Automation” tab.
  2. Create new automation and name it as you want to.
  3. Select the “event” from the drop-down menu, and select “when a friend follows you” under the Twitter part.
  4. Then select your Twitter account.
  5. Choose the action to be taken, i.e. you want to DM them or to send them an email etc.
  6. Then set the conditions and done.

Keep your Twitter content up to date with SocialBu Automation

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Recycle Your Evergreen Content

Besides posting more tweets, it is also essential to recycle popular tweets. Your audience will engage with those tweets again – increasing your tweet reach and bringing more followers. With the Post Recycling feature of SocialBu, you do not have to worry about retweeting the same content again and again.

  • SocialBu Analytics feature tells you the best performing tweets, and then you can select those posts and add them to the queue.
  • Your tweets will be retweeted for as much time as you want.
  • The frequency and the time gap of the retweeting are set by you.
  • How and what tweets are to be recycled and when they need to be stopped depends on how you want it.

Track Your Twitter Performance

The Analyze feature of SocialBu shows you the top-performing tweets and threads and how many likes, shares, and replies the individual tweet got. This feature tracks the performance of your tweets thoroughly.

So, when you go through the analytics and evaluate what type of tweets or content your audience likes and what time the tweets get the most engagement, you know what to do next.

You can post the tweets your audience likes the most and at the most active time to get more engagement.

Final Thoughts

Twitter is an excellent marketing channel like any other social platform if you understand how the system works. First, post quality content at the best time to get the best results on Twitter. Then check analytics to see which content performs well and make more similar content to experience the flywheel effect.


Falak Sher
Falak Sher
Med School Dropout | Learning and practicing marketing now.

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