Best Time to Post on Twitter – When To Reach Your Audience?

Best Time to Post on Twitter

Are you struggling to get noticed on Twitter? The platform’s speed can be overwhelming. Tweets have a short lifespan, and considering their average half-life duration of 43 minutes, they often disappear from feeds quickly. To avoid getting lost on the platform, it’s important to understand when your followers are online and ready to engage.

With over 500 million monthly active users and over 200 million people scrolling through Twitter daily, as per Backlinko, knowing when to post can help you cut through the noise and reach your target audience efficiently.

Even if you’re looking to boost your brand’s engagement, increase followers, or get more eyes on your content, understanding the best times to post on Twitter is crucial.

This guide will discuss how Twitter works and how posting at the right times can get you higher engagement. We’ll provide insights on the best times to post on Twitter, allowing you to connect with your audience and make a lasting impression.

What’s the Best Time to Post on Twitter?

  • Monday: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
  • Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Friday: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Saturday: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Sunday: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Finding the best time to post on Twitter depends on factors like your audience’s location, industry trends, and the type of content you’re sharing. There is no one-fit-all solution, but some timeframes generally lead to higher engagement.

Posting on weekdays—especially between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM—often leads to better results. Among the weekdays, Wednesday and Thursday tend to perform the best as users spend a lot of their time on social media platforms.

On the contrary, the optimal posting times shift a bit on weekends. You should aim to post on Saturday around 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM and Sunday between 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM. 

Day-by-Day Best Times to Post on Twitter

The posting times on Twitter vary based on the day of the week and are also different for weekdays and weekends. Different factors, including the working routine, productivity, and workload of professionals, influence this timing variation.

Below, we have provided a breakdown of the best times to post on Twitter for weekdays and weekends.

Best Time to Post on Twitter Monday

Best Time to Post on Twitter on Weekdays

Monday to Friday are the days of prime activity on Twitter as users tend to scroll through social media apps like Twitter while taking breaks during their workdays.

Best Time to Post on Twitter Monday

Monday marks the workweek’s start when people generally return to their work routines after a relaxing weekend.

According to Statista, around 36.6% of Twitter users are between the ages of 25 and 34. This means they only have time to check their Twitter during early hours while commuting to work or during lunch breaks.

If you want maximum engagement on your Tweets, posting from 9 AM to 11 AM on Monday can work well for you. Here is a look into the engagement on our tweets during this time. Our tweets got 950 impressions, 670 engagements, and 430 retweets.

Best Time to Post on Twitter Monday

Best Time to Post on Twitter Tuesday

Tuesday is generally the time of week with the highest workload, giving users significantly little time to check Twitter or other social media apps. However, users tend to scroll through their Twitter feeds to relax during small breaks, which makes 10 AM to 12 PM ideal times to post on the platform.

Best Time to Post on Twitter Wednesday

Users are generally settled into their work routines by midweek, which is why the number of active Twitter users soars during lunch hours. Posting between 11 AM and 1 PM on Wednesday can generate strong engagement.

We shared a tweet on Wednesday, and here are the engagement metrics we got. Based on engagement metrics, we found Wednesday to be the second best day to post on Twitter.

Best Time to post on Twitter on Wednesday

Best Time to Post on Twitter Thursday

As the workweek is ending, users are generally done with most of their work by this time. This gives them plenty of time to browse Twitter and other social media apps, making 9 AM to 12 PM a prime time for engagement on Thursday.

Best Time to Post on Twitter Friday

Engagement on Twitter is high in the late morning as people spend maximum time on the platform while getting ready for the weekend. However, it tends to drop off after 4 PM when their focus shift towards wrapping up their week and other offline activities.

Here is how our tweets performed during this time on Friday.

Best Time to Post on Twitter Friday

Best Time to Post on Twitter (Weekends)

The engagement patterns on Twitter are different for weekends as user behaviour and activity on the platform for these days is different from weekdays.

Best Time to Post on Twitter Saturday

Saturday mornings are generally slower than other days, as users like to spend the start of their weekend relaxing and having a good time with their families or friends. However, they often check their Twitter account by midday or early afternoon, i.e., from 11 AM to 1 PM, to find out what’s going on in their surroundings.

Best Time to Post on Twitter Sunday

Sundays are more relaxed, and users typically check Twitter in the early afternoon to unwind and prepare for the upcoming week. Posting during this time allows your content to be seen while users catch up on social media before the workweek starts.

Why Do These Times Work?

Weekdays: Social media activity is highest during working hours, as people take breaks from their tasks or meetings and check Twitter. Engagement peaks during late mornings and early afternoons, when users are more likely to look for short distractions.

Weekends: User activity is more unpredictable, but midday to early afternoon is a time when people are checking their phones during personal activities or while relaxing at home. Content posted during these times has a better chance of being seen.


The Best and Worst Days of Week to Post on Twitter

Twitter engagement varies across different days of the week, with some days seeing slightly higher engagement than others. This is because users are more likely to visit Twitter on some days of the week, while on others, their activity tends to decline because of a higher workload.

Mondays are consistently found to be the best days for Twitter engagement. Research shows that office employees in the US are only productive for 31% of their workday. Also, considering Monday is just the beginning of a new work week, they are more likely to check their Twitter between working hours.

best and worst days to post on twitter

Among the midweek days, Wednesday sees the highest engagement rates on Twitter from 11 AM to 1 PM, as users are more likely to check their Twitter feed during mid-morning coffee or lunch breaks when they want distractions from work.

Tuesday is also a good day to post on Twitter, and engagement remains high during late mornings and early afternoons, particularly between 10 am and 12 pm.

To back these claims, we conducted a poll on LinkedIn, and the results were as expected.

Best and Worst Days of Week to Post on Twitter

Monday topped the list of the best days to post on Twitter with 42%, Wednesday came second with 28% votes, followed by Friday with 20%. Saturday and Sundays remained the worst days, with only 10% votes. Share on X

Time-Zone-Specific Best Times to Post on Twitter

While planning your Twitter posting strategy for different time zones, aligning your strategy with the active user hours and the times when your audience is more likely to engage with your posts is essential.

If you aren’t sure when the users are most active in your time zone, we have provided a breakdown of the best times for different regions and time zones for you below.

Best Time to Post on Twitter (UK)

Users in the UK are generally more active while commuting to work or during lunch breaks. This makes early morning hours from 8 AM to 10 PM ideal for Twitter posting. Moreover, you can even catch users in the UK during lunchtime, making 12 PM to 1 PM another ideal posting slot.

Best Time to Post on Twitter (US)

The US has around 108.55 million users, making it one of the biggest Twitter user bases worldwide. In the US, early workday hours tend to see the highest engagement on Twitter, with users checking news and social media as they settle into their day.

  • Best Time to Post on Twitter (EST)

Eastern Standard Time (EST) covers many of the US, including major cities like New York and Washington D.C. This time frame coincides with users starting their workday and engaging with content as they get settled into their routine.

  • Best Time to Post on Twitter (PST)

Pacific Standard Time covers the West Coast, including tech-heavy areas like Silicon Valley. People here tend to engage in the morning by checking Twitter while commuting or starting their day.

Best Time to Post on Twitter (Europe)

Europe covers several time zones, including Hungary, Netherlands, France, etc. Mid-morning is typically a peak time for engagement across different European countries. This window aligns with users starting their workday and having their first social media check-ins.

Best Time to Post on Twitter (Philippines)

Twitter activity in the Philippines is high during the morning commute and lunchtime, similar to other countries. The Philippines is in a different time zone (GMT+8), so adjusting for local peak activity is essential.

Best Time to Post on Twitter (India)

India has a massive Twitter user base of around 30.3 million, and engagement is highest at the start of the workday and after office hours. These times reflect when users catch up on the news and interact with social media apps like Twitter after a long day.


Best Time to Post on Twitter (China)

Despite restrictions on Twitter in China, users who can access the platform are most active during midday hours, especially around lunchtime.

Best Time to Post on Twitter (Nigeria)

Nigeria has one of the highest Twitter user bases in Africa, with peak activity during the start of the workday. Posting in this window aligns well with global trends of morning engagement​.

Best Time to Post on Twitter (Japan)

Japan has one of the most active Twitter user bases globally. Early morning commuting hours and lunchtime show the highest engagement rates as users check Twitter for news updates.

Best Time to Post on Twitter (Australia)

According to research, Twitter is the fifth most popular social media app in Australia. In Australia, Twitter engagement is highest during commuting hours and early evenings, when users are home from work and more likely to browse social media.

Time-Zone-Specific Best Times to Post on Twitter

Content-Specific Best Times to Post on Twitter

Like Time Zones, another thing you need to keep in mind while determining the best times to post on Twitter is the content you are sharing with your audience. Different audiences are live on the platform at different times, making it crucial for you to post when your specific audience is live.

Let’s look at how the posting times vary based on Twitter content types.

Best Time to Post Art on Twitter

Artists and other creatives generally like sharing their art pieces and related content on Twitter when users have free time and are ready to engage in visually appealing content. This makes early mornings on weekdays like Mondays and end days of a workweek like Fridays ideal posting times for art-related content.

Best Time to Post Pictures on Twitter

Visual content like images tends to capture attention during the day when users are on lunch breaks or looking for quick, engaging distractions from their tasks. Sproutworth says images generate 18% more clicks and 150% more retweets than text-based posts.

Best Time to Post Videos on Twitter

Video content gains maximum engagement when users are more likely to have some time to engage deeply, particularly mid-week and towards the end of the week.

It is one of the most engaging content formats on Twitter, as the platform sharing trends reveal that 82% of users actively engage with video content on the platform.

Also, according to Backlinko, tweets with videos gain 10x more engagement than those without videos, so it’s best to share tweets if you need higher engagement.

Best Time to Share Text-Based Tweets on Twitter

Text-based tweets often involve opinions or discussions. These tend to perform well during work breaks when users are more likely to engage in conversation or debates on the platform.

Best Time to Post Polls on Twitter

Polls can increase engagement by up to 86%, encouraging interaction with minimal user effort. They usually gauge engagement and interaction, and weekday mornings are a good time for users to participate in quick polls before starting their workday.

Best Time to Share Threads on Twitter

Threads (multi-tweet stories or discussions) perform well when users have time to engage with longer content. Mondays are great for sharing longer threads as people tend to catch up on news or detailed content at the start of the workweek. Twitter research suggests threads encourage more engagement than tweets.

Content-Specific Best Times to Post on Twitter

Best Time to Post Memes on Twitter

According to Statista, one-third of Twitter users say they prefer to see funny content on the platform. However, users generally love seeing such content when they are free from their tedious workweek, making Friday afternoons ideal for sharing such content.

Best Time to Share GIFs on Twitter

GIFs offer short bursts of entertainment, often when users seek quick distractions. They perform well when people have short windows to consume content. As per research, tweets with GIFs receive 55% more engagement than those without, making it an ideal content format to share on Twitter.

Best Time to Post Quotes on Twitter

Motivational or inspirational quotes often receive higher engagement midweek when people seek motivation or positivity for the rest of the workweek. Early in the morning, quotes can set the tone for the day.

Best Time to Share Promotional Content on Twitter

Promotional content, such as ads or product launches, performs well during the start or middle of the week when users are focused on professional tasks. Research suggests that midweek days and Mondays see higher business engagement on Twitter, making them ideal for promotional content.

Best Time to Post on Twitter for Specific Niches

To optimize engagement on Twitter and get maximum interaction, it’s crucial to tailor your posting times based on your industry or niche.

As different audiences are active at different times, i.e., users wanting business insights might be active during early morning hours while those having creative interests at the end of the day, figuring out the right posting times is crucial for getting engagement on the platform.

Entrepreneurs & Business Experts

Entrepreneurs and business experts are generally active early in the morning, checking industry news and engaging in conversations before starting their workday. This is a peak time for B2B content.

Research by Social Shepherd shows that 82% of B2B marketers use Twitter for content distribution, making early weekdays the best time to reach this audience.

Entrepreneurs & Business Experts

Artists and Creatives

Creatives are often active during mid-morning and after work hours. These periods allow them to engage with their audience when they showcase artwork, design, or creative projects.

Artists and Creatives

Political Content

Political content is often discussed during working hours when users actively engage with current events and news. Also, users generally look for recent updates to engage in healthy political debates with their colleagues, making early afternoons ideal for joining trending political conversations.

Research by Backlinko suggests that 60.6% of Twitter users use the platform for political news, making it one of the leading platforms for political discourse.

Political Content

E-commerce and Retail

Shoppers are more active on weekends, especially in the afternoon when they have more time to browse for products. According to Digital Marketing Institute, Sunday at 11 AM is the best day to post such content.

This is a peak time for online shopping engagements. According to Backlinko, 34.9% of Twitter users use the platform to discover new products, with a large portion of this activity occurring on weekends.

E-commerce and Retail

Non-Profits and Social Causes

Non-profits see better engagement during the workweek, especially in the mornings, when audiences are motivated to contribute to causes after seeing morning news and social posts.

Non-Profits and Social Causes

Tech and SaaS

A lot of Twitter users express interest in technology and innovation, with engagement peaking during working hours. As the workload tends to reduce during midweek, posting during these times ensures your content is seen when tech discussions are most active.

Tech and SaaS

Entertainment and Pop-Culture

Entertainment-related content performs best on weekends when users have more free time to consume content like movie trailers, celebrity news, or pop culture commentary. According to our research, 34.8% of people use Twitter for entertainment and generally head to the platform when they are free, making weekends a prime time to post such content.

Entertainment and Pop-Culture

Fitness and Health

Fitness enthusiasts are most active during early morning and after-work hours, which align with workout routines. This is when they seek motivation and fitness tips.

Fitness and Health


Sports fans are highly active on Twitter during real-time events, using the platform for live discussions and commentary. According to the Digital Marketing Institute, if you want to target a sports audience, early morning hours on Friday are a good time.

Research suggests that 71% of sports fans use Twitter to follow live sporting events, making it a prime platform for real-time engagement.


Education and E-Learning

Education professionals and learners tend to engage with content during working hours when they’re searching for resources or updates related to courses and learning materials. It’s best to avoid posting such content on weekends, as users don’t really like engaging in anything work-related on such days.

Education and E-Learning

Travel and Tourism

People often plan vacations or get inspired to travel during the weekends. This means they are more likely to engage with travel-related content like destination guides or deals from early to midday on weekends.

Travel and Tourism

Is There Really a Best Time to Post on Twitter?

Numerous factors, such as your audience type, niche, interests, and usage patterns, should be considered when determining the “best time” to post on Twitter.

Our research and data support our findings on the best times to post on Twitter based on different time zones, niches, and days of the week. This suggests that Twitter observes higher user engagement during certain hours than others.

For instance, most professionals are active on Twitter during mid-morning hours when they get a break from their work, making this an ideal posting time for Twitter.

But no matter how accurate you find your posting times on Twitter, you won’t be able to gauge the maximum number of users solely by relying on timing.

Your content should also be according to some other factors to get maximum tweet engagement. We have listed some of them below.

  • Quality Content

Tweets that provide some value to users and target their pain points are more likely to get maximum engagement on the platform.

  • Engagement

If you want your tweets to appear at the top of other user’s feeds, engaging with the users is better. As per research, 15% of Twitter users unfollow a business within 3 weeks if they don’t make a solid effort to engage early.

  • Consistency

Another thing that will surely get your tweets at the top of other user’s feeds is consistency. Even if you are unsure about your peak engagement times, post regularly. This way, Twitter’s algorithm will automatically push your tweets to the top.

Does Post Frequency on Twitter Affect Engagement?

In addition to knowing when to post on Twitter, how much should be shared on the platform, and how often are other questions you should ask yourself before entering this engagement race.

Posting multiple times a day significantly increases your chances of being visible on the platform, especially considering the average user spends only 34 minutes daily.

Twitter engagement

Also, Twitter’s engagement can be higher than that of other platforms. According to research, the average “high” engagement on Twitter may range from .09% to .33%, which is lower than other platforms.

However, the frequency of posting must be balanced with content quality. Posting less frequently with value can annoy your followers, leading to lower engagement or unfollowing. On the other hand, posting too infrequently may cause your content to be missed altogether, reducing your overall reach and visibility.

This is why it’s crucial to balance quality and quantity. However, if you are still curious about how often to tweet, research suggests that the recommended posting frequency on Twitter is 3 to 7 tweets per day.

Yearly Engagement Patterns – Key Months and Events That Influence Twitter Activity

Like other social media platforms, Twitter engagement doesn’t stay the same throughout the year. Some months see higher engagement than others, and numerous factors, such as engagement trends, seasonal events, holidays, cultural events, etc, influence this variability.

Here’s a detailed explanation of these key drivers of Twitter activity:

Monthly Engagement Trends

Monthly Engagement Trends

Twitter engagement tends to fluctuate throughout the year, with certain months showing higher user activity. For example, engagement typically peaks in:

January: After the New Year, users are motivated by resolutions and fresh starts, leading to a surge in content around personal development and trends like fitness and health.

April: Awareness months such as Earth Day can give rise to discussions on environmental issues.

November/December: With holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, Twitter sees significant activity as users share festive content.

Engagement dips are often seen during summer months (July and August) when people are on vacation and social media use decreases slightly, especially for non-entertainment or non-travel content.

Major Holidays and Their Impact

Holidays generate high engagement as users turn to Twitter to share their thoughts and experiences. Some holidays that stand out include:

New Year’s Day: A significant spike in engagement as users reflect on the past year and share resolutions.

Christmas: High activity related to festive greetings, gift sharing, and holiday marketing campaigns.

Halloween: It is particularly popular for entertainment, fashion, and creative content, with users sharing costumes and themed activities.

During these holidays, brands and individuals see higher engagement if they align their content with festive themes as 79% of Twitter users follow brands, making it number one platform for brand interaction. However, engagement can drop post-holiday as users settle into their work routines.

Special Campaigns and Awareness Days

Special awareness days drive a notable surge in Twitter engagement as organizations and individuals share tweets about causes.

Campaigns on Twitter

Some key days include:

Earth Day (April 22): Environmental campaigns trend, with content on sustainability, climate change, and eco-friendly practices dominating the platform.

International Women’s Day (March 8): Global discussions on gender equality, women’s achievements, and empowerment increase engagement.

Mental Health Awareness Week: Content related to mental well-being spikes as people share resources, tips, and personal experiences.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October): October is generally a month of high engagement on Twitter as it is globally known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A lot of Twitter users head to the platform to share tweets on breast cancer awareness during this time.

Aligning campaigns with these awareness days can result in significant engagement and visibility, as users are more likely to engage with content that resonates with current conversations.

Events and Trends in Popular Culture

Major cultural events significantly influence Twitter engagement. These include:

Award Shows: Events like the Oscars and Grammys see massive real-time engagement as users discuss red-carpet fashion, performances, and award results.

Sports Events: The Olympics, FIFA World Cup, and Super Bowl are prime times for heightened engagement. During these events, hashtags, live tweets, and fan discussions dominate Twitter feeds, making it the go-to platform for real-time commentary.

Political Events: Presidential elections or global summits surge user activity as they heavily engage in political discussions.

How To Find the Best Time to Post on Twitter for Your Audience?

Find the Best Time to Post on Twitter for Your Audience

Analyzing audience behavior and testing different strategies is crucial to finding the best time to post on Twitter for your audience. Here’s how to do this.

Analyze Your Audience’s Activity

Understanding when your audience is most active is the first step to optimizing your post timing.

You can rely on Twitter Analytics or social media scheduling tools like SocialBu for user activity insights.

Use Twitter Analytics: Twitter’s native analytics tool gives insight into follower activity and engagement. You can track impressions, engagement rates, and when your audience is most active. This data will help identify peak hours.

SocialBu Insights: Tools like SocialBu provide detailed reports on audience behavior. By analyzing this data, you can spot patterns in user activity, such as when your followers are most likely to interact with your posts. SocialBu can give a comprehensive overview of engagement metrics across multiple posts.

SocialBu Insights

Here is how you can view the performance analytics of your Twitter posts using SocialBu.

  1. Login to your SocialBu account.
  2. Select “Analyze” on the left pane.
  3. Choose “Content” from the drop-down menu to view the engagement on your Twitter posts.

Experiment with Different Posting Times

Even with audience data, the best times can vary based on content type or trends. You can experiment with different posting times to ensure your posts work best.

A/B Testing: Share tweets at different times during the day and compare results. Use performance metrics like retweets, likes, and clicks to see which time works best. A/B testing helps narrow down optimal posting windows.

For instance, you can post one tweet at 9 AM and another similar one at 12 PM, then analyze which performs better.

Utilize SocialBu’s Scheduling Tool: With a tool like SocialBu, you can schedule tweets in multiple time slots and days to test different times and track the results automatically. This way, you don’t have to post at odd hours manually.

Experiment with different posting times

Monitor Engagement Metrics

Tracking your post performance regularly is crucial for optimizing future posts. You can analyze your posts’ reach and engagement using Twitter Analytics or SocialBu’s Reporting feature. This includes tracking impressions, click-through rates, and engagement ratios over time.

According to research, consistent monitoring and optimization can boost your engagement by 20-30% over time.

Consider Your Content Type

Different types of content resonate at different times, depending on your audience’s mindset.

For example, business-related content might perform best during work hours, while entertainment content might do better during evenings or weekends.

SocialBu’s Content Suggestions: Using tools like SocialBu, you can find the top-performing tweets, determine what content type works best for your audience, and focus on it.

Top-performing posts on SocialBu

Adapt to Seasonal Changes

Twitter engagement patterns shift yearly based on seasonal events, holidays, and industry-specific trends. Adapting to these seasonal changes is crucial to keep shining on Twitter and get maximum engagement.


Wrap Up!

Figuring out the best time to post on Twitter isn’t rocket science, but it takes some trial and error.

From sharing art-related content to running a business or just tweeting for fun, the right timing can make a huge difference in engagement. Keep experimenting, stay flexible, and remember—your audience’s habits may change, so your strategy should too.

If you’re looking for an easy way to manage all this, give SocialBu a try—it can help with scheduling, tracking, and even giving you insights on the perfect posting times. Happy tweeting!


Q: When Is the Best Time to Post Pictures or Art on Twitter?

The best time to post art on Twitter is Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. However, Tuesday and Thursday, 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM works best for sharing pictures on the platform.

Q: What Tools Can Help Me Discover the Optimal Posting Time on Twitter?

You can use social media scheduling tools like SocialBu to get insights into user activity and engagement trends and find the optimal posting time on Twitter. Moreover, Twitter Analytics is also something you can rely on to find out which time works best for you.

Q: What Is the Best Time to Post on Twitter in the Morning or Afternoon?

Though the best time to tweet depends on your audience, the most popular time to post on Twitter is between 8 – 10 AM and 6 – 9 PM. If you are looking for better engagement, aim for either early morning (7 – 9 AM) or late night (8 – 11 PM).

Q: What Time in the Evening Is Best for Posting on Twitter?

The best time for posting on Twitter in the evening is  6 PM to 9 PM on weekdays and 11 AM to 5 PM on weekends.

Q: What Factors Influence the Best Time to Post on Twitter?

Some factors that influence the best time to post on Twitter include audience demographics, i.e., their age, location, and gender, the type of content you post, your niche or industry, and recent Twitter updates.

Aqsa Javed
Aqsa Javed
Hi, I’m Aqsa, a writer who’s always fascinated by the tech world. I love exploring topics that inspire and inform. When I’m not writing, you can find me reading or enjoying a cup of coffee. At SocialBu, I’ll share practical tips on digital marketing, social media strategies and much more!

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